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Computational real algebraic geometry and applications to robotics - lecture 2

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Auteurs : Moroz, Guillaume (Auteur de la conférence)
CIRM (Editeur )

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Résumé : Robotic design involves modeling the behavior of a robot mechanism when it moves along potential paths set by the users. In this lecture, we will first give an overview of different approaches to design a set of kinematic equations associated with a robot mechanism. In particular, these equations can be used to solve the forward and the backward kinematics problems associated with a robot mechanism or to model its singularity locus. Then we will review methods to solve those equations, and notably methods to draw with guarantees the real solutions of an under-constrained system of equations modeling the singularities of a robot.

Codes MSC :
65Dxx - Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms) [For theory, see 41-XX and 68Uxx]
68T40 - Robotics
68W30 - Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
65G20 - Algorithms with automatic result verification

Ressources complémentaires :

    Informations sur la Vidéo

    Réalisateur : Hennenfent, Guillaume
    Langue : Français
    Date de Publication : 19/03/2021
    Date de Captation : 01/03/2021
    Sous Collection : Research School
    Catégorie arXiv : Computer Science
    Domaine(s) : Informatique
    Format : MP4 (.mp4) - HD
    Durée : 01:39:37
    Audience : Chercheurs
    Download : https://videos.cirm-math.fr/2021-03-04 _Moroz_2.mp4

Informations sur la Rencontre

Nom de la Rencontre : French Computer Algebra Days / JNCF - Journées nationales de calcul formel
Organisateurs de la Rencontre : Bardet, Magali ; Busé, Laurent ; Koseleff, Pierre-Vincent ; Vaccon, Tristan
Dates : 01/03/2021 - 05/03/2021
Année de la rencontre : 2021
URL de la Rencontre : https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/2564.html

Données de citation

DOI : 10.24350/CIRM.V.19725103
Citer cette vidéo: Moroz, Guillaume (2021). Computational real algebraic geometry and applications to robotics - lecture 2. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. doi:10.24350/CIRM.V.19725103
URI : http://dx.doi.org/10.24350/CIRM.V.19725103

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