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High performance climate modelling : mimetic finite differences, and beyond?

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Auteurs : Dubos, Thomas (Auteur de la Conférence)
CIRM (Editeur )

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Résumé : Climate models simulate atmospheric flows interacting with many physical processes. Because they address long time scales, from centuries to millennia, they need to be efficient, but not at the expense of certain desirable properties, especially conservation of total mass and energy. Most of my talk will explain the design principles behind DYNAMICO, a highly scalable unstructured-mesh energy-conserving finite volume/mimetic finite difference atmospheric flow solver and potential successor of LMD-Z, a structured-mesh (longitude-latitude) solver currently operational as part of IPSL-CM, the Earth System Model developed by Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL). Specifically, the design exploits the variational structure of the equations of motion and their Hamiltonian formulation, so that the conservation of energy requires only that the discrete grad and div operators be compatible, i.e. that a discrete integration by parts formula holds.
I will finish my talk by sketching how the desirable properties of DYNAMICO may be obtained with a different approach based on mixed finite elements (FEM). Indeed while DYNAMICO is very fast and scalable, it is low-order and higher-order accuracy may be desirable. While FEM methods can provide higher-order accuracy, they are computationally more expensive. They offer a viable path only if the performance gap compared to finite differences is not too large. The aim of the CEMRACS project A-HA is to evaluate how wide this gap may be, and whether it can be narrowed by using a recently proposed duality-based approach to assemble the various matrices involved in a FEM method.

Codes MSC :
76M25 - Other numerical methods (fluid mechanics)
86A10 - Meteorology and atmospheric physics

    Informations sur la Vidéo

    Réalisateur : Hennenfent, Guillaume
    Langue : Anglais
    Date de publication : 10/08/16
    Date de captation : 09/08/2016
    Sous collection : Research talks
    arXiv category : Fluid Dynamics ; Numerical Analysis ; Quantitative Biology
    Domaine : Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing ; Mathematics in Science & Technology
    Format : MP4 (.mp4) - HD
    Durée : 00:57:16
    Audience : Researchers
    Download : https://videos.cirm-math.fr/2016-08-09_Dubos.mp4

Informations sur la Rencontre

Nom de la rencontre : CEMRACS: Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing / CEMRACS : Défis numériques en calcul scientifique parallèle
Organisateurs de la rencontre : Grigori, Laura ; Japhet, Caroline ; Moireau, Philippe ; Parnaudeau, Philippe
Dates : 18/07/16 - 26/08/16
Année de la rencontre : 2016
URL Congrès : http://conferences.cirm-math.fr/1430.html

Données de citation

DOI : 10.24350/CIRM.V.19028803
Citer cette vidéo: Dubos, Thomas (2016). High performance climate modelling : mimetic finite differences, and beyond?. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. doi:10.24350/CIRM.V.19028803
URI : http://dx.doi.org/10.24350/CIRM.V.19028803

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