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Documents 01A50 5 results

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When he was one hundred years old! - Verdier, Norbert (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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In this talk we will don't speak about Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813) but about Lagrange's reception at the nineteenth Century. "Who read Lagrange at this Times?", "Why and How?", "What does it mean being a mathematician or doing mathematics at this Century" are some of the questions of our conference. We will give some elements of answers and the case Lagrange will be a pretext in order to explain what are doing historians of mathematics: searching archives and – thanks to a methodology – trying to understand, read and write the Past.
Lagrange - mathematical press - complete works - bibliographic index of mathematical sciences (1894-1912) - Liouville - Boussinesq - Terquem[-]
In this talk we will don't speak about Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813) but about Lagrange's reception at the nineteenth Century. "Who read Lagrange at this Times?", "Why and How?", "What does it mean being a mathematician or doing mathematics at this Century" are some of the questions of our conference. We will give some elements of answers and the case Lagrange will be a pretext in order to explain what are doing historians of mathematics: ...[+]

01A50 ; 01A55 ; 01A70 ; 01A74 ; 01A80

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On the discovery of Lagrange multipliers - Wanner, Gerhard (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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The most important works of the young Lagrange were two very learned memoirs on sound and its propagation. In a tour de force of mathematical analysis, he solved the relevant partial differential equations in a novel manner and he applied the solutions to a number of acoustic problems. Although Euler and d'Alembert may have been the only contemporaries who fully appreciated these memoirs, their contents anticipated much more of Fourier analysis than is usually believed. On the physical side, Lagrange properly explained the functioning of string and air-column instruments, although he did not accept harmonic analysis as we now understand it.
Lagrange - acoustics - propagation of sound - harmonic analysis - Fourier analysis - vibrating strings - organ pipes[-]
The most important works of the young Lagrange were two very learned memoirs on sound and its propagation. In a tour de force of mathematical analysis, he solved the relevant partial differential equations in a novel manner and he applied the solutions to a number of acoustic problems. Although Euler and d'Alembert may have been the only contemporaries who fully appreciated these memoirs, their contents anticipated much more of Fourier analysis ...[+]

01A50 ; 35-03 ; 40-03 ; 76-03

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Terminologie des données encyclopédiques et politique de repérage - Guilbaud, Alexandre (Author of the conference) ; Leca-Tsiomis, Marie (Author of the conference) ; Passeron, Irène (Author of the conference) ; Cernuschi, Alain (Author of the conference) | CIRM H


La richesse du contenu de l'Encyclopédie nécessite la définition d'un protocole de présentation et d'éclairage critique se déclinant à plusieurs échelles : aux textes de présentations généraux (de tel volume, de tel article ou ensemble d'articles) et notes ponctuelles classiques s'ajouteront à la fois la possibilité de mettre en valeur les nombreux éléments caractéristiques constitutifs du texte encyclopédique (les titres des articles, les désignants, les renvois vers d'autres articles, les signatures des encyclopédistes, les mentions de leurs sources, etc.) et la possibilité d'y articuler finement les annotations permettant d'en éclairer les intérêts et les enjeux. La mise en place d'un tel apparat critique requiert la définition préalable des éléments du texte encyclopédique que nous souhaitons repérer, et des liens qu'ils entretiennent entre eux. Cette politique éditoriale sera ici exposée dans le détail, avec la terminologie qui y est associée.[-]
La richesse du contenu de l'Encyclopédie nécessite la définition d'un protocole de présentation et d'éclairage critique se déclinant à plusieurs échelles : aux textes de présentations généraux (de tel volume, de tel article ou ensemble d'articles) et notes ponctuelles classiques s'ajouteront à la fois la possibilité de mettre en valeur les nombreux éléments caractéristiques constitutifs du texte encyclopédique (les titres des articles, les ...[+]


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