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Documents Critères de recherche : "2014" 188 résultats

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Interview at CIRM: Boris Hasselblatt - Hasselblatt, Boris (Personne interviewée) | CIRM H


Boris Hasselblatt held the Jean Morlet Chair from November 2013 to April 2014 with Serge Troubetzkoy (Aix-Marseille Université) as local project leader.
The scientific focus of this Chair is on hyperbolic dynamical systems and related topics. This is a broad and active area of research throughout the world which is on one hand at the core of Boris Hasselblatt's research record and interests and on the other hand well represented in the Marseille region.
Moreover, hyperbolic dynamics has broad interactions with numerous other areas of dynamical systems and mathematics: partial differential equations viewed as infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, celestial mechanics, statistical mechanics, geometry (of nonpositively curved manifolds),Teichmüller theory, topology, to name a few.
In addition, hyperbolic dynamics is important to a broad range of subjects in applied mathematics.
CIRM - Chaire Jean-Morlet 2013 - Aix-Marseille Université[-]
Boris Hasselblatt held the Jean Morlet Chair from November 2013 to April 2014 with Serge Troubetzkoy (Aix-Marseille Université) as local project leader.
The scientific focus of this Chair is on hyperbolic dynamical systems and related topics. This is a broad and active area of research throughout the world which is on one hand at the core of Boris Hasselblatt's research record and interests and on the other hand well represented in the Marseille ...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Sarah Bray - Bray, Sarah (Personne interviewée) | CIRM H


Sarah Bray is a PhD student in the Tufts Mathematics Department. She is currently undecided on a specialization topic, although interested in Hyperbolic Geometry and Dynamical Systems. She graduated from Hamilton College in 2011, where she played on the varsity Women's Lacrosse Team all four years.

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Interview at CIRM: Marc Peigné - Peigné , Marc (Personne interviewée) | CIRM


Marc Peigné is the President of the French Mathematical Society (SMF) since June 2013.
The French Mathematical Society, Société Mathématique de France, was founded in 1872 although moves towards the creation of the Society began two years earlier. It was created for defending and promoting mathematics and mathematicians. From the year after the Society was founded the Society has published the Bulletin de Société Mathématique de France which intends to be one of the greatest international journals through its rigorous scientific policy. It also makes sure that it includes a lot of young researchers' work. The Society also publishes Mémoires de Société Mathématique de France. To celebrate its centenary the Society began publishing the journal Astérisque. It is a top-level international journal. It publishes various monographs, renowned seminars or reports of the main international colloquiums .... The articles are chosen for their ability to show a research branch under a new perspective. Each volume deals with only one subject. The whole annual collection covers all the different fields of mathematics. The Revue d'Histoire des mathématiques began publication in 1995. It contains original articles studying the history of mathematics from the 17th century onwards. There are many examples on ongoing cooperation between the Society and the French Applied and Industrial Mathematical Society. Together they promote the public awareness of mathematics, trying to raise the profile of the subject with the general public. They also cooperate on reports on the teaching of mathematics and together provide information on mathematics jobs in teaching and universities.[-]
Marc Peigné is the President of the French Mathematical Society (SMF) since June 2013.
The French Mathematical Society, Société Mathématique de France, was founded in 1872 although moves towards the creation of the Society began two years earlier. It was created for defending and promoting mathematics and mathematicians. From the year after the Society was founded the Society has published the Bulletin de Société Mathématique de France which ...[+]

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Unlikely intersections of polynomial orbits - Zieve, Michael (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

For a polynomial $f(x)$ over a field $L$, and an element $c \in L$, I will discuss the size of the intersection of the orbit $\lbrace f(c),f(f (c)),...\rbrace$ with a prescribed subfield of $L$. I will also discuss the size of the intersection of orbits of two distinct polynomials, and generalizations of these questions to more general maps between varieties.
polynomial decomposition - classification of finite simple groups - Bombieri-Lang conjecture - orbit - dynamical system - unlikely intersections[-]
For a polynomial $f(x)$ over a field $L$, and an element $c \in L$, I will discuss the size of the intersection of the orbit $\lbrace f(c),f(f (c)),...\rbrace$ with a prescribed subfield of $L$. I will also discuss the size of the intersection of orbits of two distinct polynomials, and generalizations of these questions to more general maps between varieties.
polynomial decomposition - classification of finite simple groups - Bombieri-Lang ...[+]

11C08 ; 14Gxx ; 37F10

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In this third lecture the ideal and extended magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) fluid moment descriptions of magnetized plasmas are discussed first. The ideal MHD equilibrium in a toroidally axisymmetric tokamak plasma is discussed next. Then, the collisional viscous force closure moments and their effects on the parallel Ohm's law and poloidal flows in the extended MHD model of tokamak plasmas are discussed. Finally, the species fluid moment equations are transformed to magnetic flux coordinates, averaged over a flux surface and used to obtain the tokamak plasma transport equations. These equations describe the transport of the plasma electron density, plasma toroidal angular momentum and pressure of the electron and ion species "radially" across the nested tokamak toroidal magnetic flux surfaces.[-]
In this third lecture the ideal and extended magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) fluid moment descriptions of magnetized plasmas are discussed first. The ideal MHD equilibrium in a toroidally axisymmetric tokamak plasma is discussed next. Then, the collisional viscous force closure moments and their effects on the parallel Ohm's law and poloidal flows in the extended MHD model of tokamak plasmas are discussed. Finally, the species fluid moment equations ...[+]

76X05 ; 82C70

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In this final, fourth lecture the many effects on radial tokamak plasma transport caused by various physical processes are noted first: transients, collision- and microturbulence-induced transport, sources and sinks, and small three-dimensional (3-D) magnetic field perturbations. The main focus of this lecture is on the various effects of small 3-D fields on plasma transport which is a subject that has come of age over the past decade. Finally, the major themes of these CEMRACS 2014 lectures are summarized and a general framework for combining extended MHD, hybrid kinetic/fluid and transport models of tokamak plasma behavior into unified descriptions and numerical simulations that may be able to provide a "predictive capability" for ITER plasmas is presented.[-]
In this final, fourth lecture the many effects on radial tokamak plasma transport caused by various physical processes are noted first: transients, collision- and microturbulence-induced transport, sources and sinks, and small three-dimensional (3-D) magnetic field perturbations. The main focus of this lecture is on the various effects of small 3-D fields on plasma transport which is a subject that has come of age over the past decade. Finally, ...[+]

76X05 ; 82C70

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This series of 4 lectures discusses the key physical processes in fusion-relevant plasmas, the equations used to describe them, and the interrelationships between them. The focus is on developing comprehensive equations and models for magnetically-confined fusion plasmas on a hierarchy of time scales. The relevant plasma equations for inertial fusion are also briefly mentioned. The pedagogical development begins with the very short time scale microscopic charged-particle-based Coulomb collision processes in a plasma. This microscopic description is then used to develop a comprehensive plasma kinetic equation, fluid moment, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and hybrid kinetic/fluid moment plasma descriptions, and finally the long time scale equations for plasma transport across the confining magnetic field. The present grand challenge in magnetic fusion is to develop a "predictive capability" for deuteron-triton (D-T) burning plasmas in ITER (http://www.iter.org). Individual .pdf files of the final, corrected sets of viewgraphs are available via http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~callen/plasmas.

This initial lecture first discusses the wide range of characteristic length and time scales involved in modeling fusion plasmas. Next, the Coulomb scattering of a charged test particle's velocity and the differences between the ensemble-averaged electron and ion collisional scattering and relaxation rates are discussed. Then, the mathematical properties of these collisional scattering processes are used to develop a Fokker-Planck collision operator. Finally, a general plasma kinetic equation (PKE) is developed and its general properties discussed.[-]
This series of 4 lectures discusses the key physical processes in fusion-relevant plasmas, the equations used to describe them, and the interrelationships between them. The focus is on developing comprehensive equations and models for magnetically-confined fusion plasmas on a hierarchy of time scales. The relevant plasma equations for inertial fusion are also briefly mentioned. The pedagogical development begins with the very short time scale ...[+]

76X05 ; 82C70

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In this second lecture a Green function solution of the perturbed plasma kinetic equation (PKE) that determines the effects of Coulomb collisional scattering on linear Landau damping is presented first. This is followed by the development of the fluid moment equations obtained from the PKE. An extended Chapman-Enskog-type approach is used to determine the needed collisional and fluid moment closures for this comprehensive, hybrid kinetic/fluid model. Finally, closures for collision-dominated unmagnetized and magnetized plasmas are presented and their limitations discussed.[-]
In this second lecture a Green function solution of the perturbed plasma kinetic equation (PKE) that determines the effects of Coulomb collisional scattering on linear Landau damping is presented first. This is followed by the development of the fluid moment equations obtained from the PKE. An extended Chapman-Enskog-type approach is used to determine the needed collisional and fluid moment closures for this comprehensive, hybrid kinetic/fluid ...[+]

76X05 ; 82C70

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Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #4 - Jones, Nathan (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Single angle

In the 1970s, S. Lang and H. Trotter developed a probabilistic model which led them to their conjectures on distributional aspects of Frobenius in $GL_2$-extensions. These conjectures, which are still open, have been a significant source of stimulation for modern research in arithmetic geometry. The present lectures will provide a detailed exposition of the Lang-Trotter conjectures, as well as a partial survey of some known results.

Various questions in number theory may be viewed in probabilistic terms. For instance, consider the prime number theorem, which states that, as $x\rightarrow \infty$ , one has
$\#\left \{ primes\, p\leq x \right \}\sim \frac{x}{\log x}$
This may be seen as saying that the heuristic "probability" that a number $p$ is prime is about $1/\log p$. This viewpoint immediately predicts the correct order of magnitude for the twin prime conjecture. Indeed, if $p$ and $p+2$ are seen as two randomly chosen numbers of size around $t$, then the probability that they are both prime should be about $1/(\log t)^2$, which predicts that
$\#\left \{ primes\, p\leq x : p+2\, is\, also\, prime \right \}\asymp \int_{2}^{x}\frac{1}{(\log t)^2}dt \sim \frac{x}{\log x}$
In this naive heuristic, the events "$p$  is prime" and "$p+2$ is prime" have been treated as independent, which they are not (for instance their reductions modulo 2 are certainly not independent). Using more careful probabilistic reasoning, one can correct this and arrive at the precise conjecture
$\#\left \{ primes\, p\leq x : p+2\, is\, also\, prime \right \} \sim C_{twin}\frac{x}{(\log x)^2}$,
where $C_{twin}$  is the constant of Hardy-Littlewood.
In these lectures, we will use probabilistic considerations to study statistics of data attached to elliptic curves. Specifically, fix an elliptic curve $E$  over $\mathbb{Q}$ of conductor $N_E$. For a prime $p$ of good reduction, theFrobenius trace $a_p(E)$ and Weil $p$-root $\pi _p(E)\in \mathbb{C}$ satisfy the relations
$X^2-a_p(E)X+p=(X-\pi _p(E))(X-\overline{ \pi _p(E)})$.
Because of their connection via the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture to ranks of elliptic curves (amongother reasons), there is general interest in understanding the statistical variation of the numbers $a_p(E)$ and $\pi_p(E)$, as $p$ varies over primes of good reduction for E. In their 1976 monograph, Lang and Trotter considered the following two fundamental counting functions:
$\pi_{E,r}(x) :=\#\left \{ primes\: p\leq x:p \nmid N_E, a_p(E)=r \right \}$
$\pi_{E,K}(x) :=\#\left \{ primes\: p\leq x:p \nmid N_E, \mathbb{Q}(\pi_p(E))=K \right \}$,
where $ r \in \mathbb{Z}$ is a fixed integer, $K$ is a fixed imaginary quadratic field. We will discuss their probabilistic model, which incorporates both the Chebotarev theorem for the division fields of $E$ and the Sato-Tatedistribution, leading to the precise (conjectural) asymptotic formulas
(1) $\pi_{E,r}(x)\sim C_{E,r}\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log x}$
$\pi_{E,K}(x)\sim C_{E,K}\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log x}$,
with explicit constants$C_{E,r}\geq 0$ and $C_{E,K} > 0$. We will also discuss heuristics leading to the conjectureof Koblitz on the primality of $\#E( \mathbb{F}_p)$, and of Jones, which combines these with the model of Lang-Trotter for $\pi_{E,r}(x)$ in order to count amicable pairs and aliquot cycles for elliptic curves as introduced by Silvermanand Stange.
The above-mentioned conjectures are all open, although (in addition to the bounds mentioned in the previous section) there are various average results which give evidence of their validity. For instance, let $R\geq 1$ and $S\geq 1$be an arbitrary positive length andwidth, respectively, and define
$\mathcal{F}(R,S):= \{ E_{r,s}:(r,s)\in \mathbb{Z}^2,-16(4r^3+27s^2)\neq 0, \left | r \right |\leq R\: $ and $\left | s \right | \leq S \}$,
where $E_{r,s}$ denotes the curve with equation $y^2=x^3+rx=s$. The work of Fouvry and Murty $(r=0)$, and of David and Pappalardi $(r\neq 0)$, shows that, provided min $\left \{ R(x), S(x) \right \}\geq x^{1+\varepsilon }$, one has
(2) $\frac{1}{\left |\mathcal{F}(R(x),S(x)) \right |} \sum_{E\in \mathcal{F}(R(x),S(x))} \pi_{E,r}(x) \sim C_r \frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log x}$
where $C_r$ is a constant. We will survey this and other theorems on average, and then discuss the nature of the associated constants $C_{E,r},C_{E,K}$ etc. We will discuss the statistical variation of these constants as $E$ varies over all elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$, and use this to confirm the consistency of (2) with (1), on the level of the constants

Keywords : Galois representation - elliptic curve - trace of Frobenius - Chebotarev density theorem - Sato-Tate conjecture - Lang-Trotter conjecture[-]
In the 1970s, S. Lang and H. Trotter developed a probabilistic model which led them to their conjectures on distributional aspects of Frobenius in $GL_2$-extensions. These conjectures, which are still open, have been a significant source of stimulation for modern research in arithmetic geometry. The present lectures will provide a detailed exposition of the Lang-Trotter conjectures, as well as a partial survey of some known results.

Various ...[+]

11G05 ; 11R44

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Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #1 - David, Chantal (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Single angle

In all the following, let an elliptic curve $E$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ without complex multiplication. For every prime $\ell$, let $E[\ell]= E[\ell](\overline{\mathbb{Q}})$ be the group of  $\ell$-torsion points of  $E$, and let $K_\ell$  be the field extension obtained from $\mathbb{Q}$ by adding the coordinates of the $\ell$-torsion points of $E $. This is a Galois extension of$\mathbb{Q}$ , andGal$(K_\ell/\mathbb{Q})\subseteq GL_2(\mathbb{Z}/\ell\mathbb{Z})$.
Using the Chebotarev density theorem for the extensions $K_\ell/\mathbb{Q}$ associated to a given curve $E$, we can study various sequences associated to the reductions of a global curve $E/(\mathbb{Q}$, as the sequences
$\left \{\#E(\mathbb{F}_p)=p+1-a_p(E)\right \}_{p\: primes}, or \left \{ a_p(E)=r \right \}_{p\: primes}$
for some fixed value $r\in \mathbb{Z}$. For example, if  $\pi_{E,r}(x)= \#\left \{ p\leq x : a_p(E)=r \right \}$,
then it was shown by Serre and K. Murty, R. Murty and Saradha that under the GRH,
$\pi_{E,r}(x)\ll x^{4/5} log^{-1/5}x$, for all $r\in \mathbb{Z}$, and $ \pi_{E,0}(x)\ll x^{3/4}$.
There are also some weaker bounds without the GRH. Some other sequences may also be treated by apply-ing the Chebotarev density theorem to other extensions of $\mathbb{Q} $ as the ones coming from the “mixed Galois representations” associated to $E[\ell]$ and a given quadratic field $K$  which can be used to get upper bounds onthe number of primes $p$ such that End $(E/\mathbb{F}_p)\bigotimes \mathbb{Q}$  is isomorphic to a given quadratic imaginary field $K$ .
We will also explain how the densities obtained from the Cheboratev density theorem can be used togetherwith sieve techniques. For a first application, we consider a conjecture of Koblitz which predicts that
$\pi_{E}^{twin}(x):=\#\left \{ p\leq x : p+1-a_p(E)\, is\, prime \right \}\sim C_{E}^{twin}\frac{x}{log^2x}$
This is analogue to the classical twin prime conjecture, and the constant $C_{E}^{twin}$  can be explicitly writtenas an Euler product like the twin prime constant. We explain how classical sieve techniques can be usedto show that under the GRH, there are at least 2.778 $C_{E}^{twin}x/log^2x$ primes $p$ such that $p+1-a_p(E)^2$ has at most 8 prime factors, counted with multiplicity. We also explain some possible generalisation of Koblitz conjectures which could be treated by similar techniques given some explicitversions (i.e. with explicit error terms) of density theorems existing in the literature.
Other examples of sieving using the Chebotarev density theorem in the context of elliptic curves are thegeneralisations of Hooley's proof of the Artin's conjecture on primitive roots (again under the GRH).Using a similar techniques, but replacing the cyclotomic fields by the $\ell$-division fields $K_\ell$  of a given elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$, Serre showed that there is a positive proportion of primes $p$ such that the group $E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is cyclic (when $E$ does not have a rational 2-torsion point). This was generalised by Cojocaru and Duke, and is also related to counting square-free elements of the sequence $a_p(E)^2-4p$,,which still resists a proof with the same techniques (without assuming results stronger than the GRH).
Finally, we also discuss some new distribution questions related to elliptic curves that are very similar to the questions that could be attacked with the Chebotarev density theorem, but are still completely open(for example, no non-trivial upper bounds exists). The first question was first considered by Silverman and Stange who defined an amicable pair of an elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$  to be a pair of primes $(p,q)$ such that
$p+1-a_p(E)=q$, and $q+1-a_q(E)=p$.
They predicted that the number of such pairs should be about $\sqrt{x}/log^2x$ for elliptic curves without complex multiplication. A precise conjecture with an explicit asymptotic was made by Jones, who also provided numerical evidence for his conjecture. Among the few results existing in the literature for thisquestion is the work of Parks who gave an upper bound of the correct order of magnitude for the average number (averaging over all elliptic curves) of amicable pairs (and aliquot cycles which are cycles of length $L$). But a non-trivial upper bound for a single elliptic curve is still not known.
Another completely open question is related to “champion primes”, which are primes $p$ such that $\#E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is maximal, i.e. $a_p(E)=-[2\sqrt{p}]$. (This terminology was used for the first time by Hedetniemi, James andXue). In some work in progress with Wu, we make a conjecture and give some evidence for the number of champion primes associated to a given elliptic curve using the Sato-Tate conjecture (for verysmall intervals depending on $p$ i.e. in a range where the conjecture is still open). Again, this question iscompletely open, and there are no known non-trivial upper bound. There is also no numerical evidence for this question, and it would be nice to have some, possibly for more general “champion primes”, for examplelooking at $a_p(E)$ in a small interval of length $p^\varepsilon$ around $-[2\sqrt{p}]$. [-]
In all the following, let an elliptic curve $E$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ without complex multiplication. For every prime $\ell$, let $E[\ell]= E[\ell](\overline{\mathbb{Q}})$ be the group of  $\ell$-torsion points of  $E$, and let $K_\ell$  be the field extension obtained from $\mathbb{Q}$ by adding the coordinates of the $\ell$-torsion points of $E $. This is a Galois extension of$\mathbb{Q}$ , andGal$(K_\ell/\mathbb{Q})\subseteq GL_2...[+]

11G05 ; 11N36 ; 11F80

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