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Combinatoires 242 résultats

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The aim of this lecture is to find good symbolic codings for translations on the $d$-dimensional torus that enjoy the well-known and nice properties of Sturmian sequences (as for instance low complexity and good local discrepancy properties, i.e., bounded remainder sets of any scale). Inspired by the approach of G. Rauzy we construct such codings by the use of multidimensional continued fraction algorithms that are realized by sequences of substitutions. This is joint work with V. Berthé and W. Steiner.[-]
The aim of this lecture is to find good symbolic codings for translations on the $d$-dimensional torus that enjoy the well-known and nice properties of Sturmian sequences (as for instance low complexity and good local discrepancy properties, i.e., bounded remainder sets of any scale). Inspired by the approach of G. Rauzy we construct such codings by the use of multidimensional continued fraction algorithms that are realized by sequences of ...[+]

37B10 ; 37A30 ; 11K50 ; 28A80

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The Grothendieck-Knudsen moduli space of stable rational curves n markings is arguably one of the simplest moduli spaces: it is a smooth projective variety that can be described explicitly as a blow-up of projective space, with strata corresponding to nodal curves similar to the torus invariant strata of a toric variety. Conjecturally, its Mori cone of curves is generated by strata, but this is known only for n up to 7. In contrast, the cones of effective divisors are not f initely generated, in all characteristics, when n is at least 10. After a general introduction to these topics, I will discuss what we call elliptic pairs and LangTrotter polygons, relating the question of finite generation of effective cones of blow-ups of certain toric surfaces to the arithmetic of elliptic curves. These lectures are based on joint work with Antonio Laface, Jenia Tevelev and Luca Ugaglia.[-]
The Grothendieck-Knudsen moduli space of stable rational curves n markings is arguably one of the simplest moduli spaces: it is a smooth projective variety that can be described explicitly as a blow-up of projective space, with strata corresponding to nodal curves similar to the torus invariant strata of a toric variety. Conjecturally, its Mori cone of curves is generated by strata, but this is known only for n up to 7. In contrast, the cones of ...[+]

14C20 ; 14M25 ; 14E30 ; 14H10 ; 14H52

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The Grothendieck-Knudsen moduli space of stable rational curves n markings is arguably one of the simplest moduli spaces: it is a smooth projective variety that can be described explicitly as a blow-up of projective space, with strata corresponding to nodal curves similar to the torus invariant strata of a toric variety. Conjecturally, its Mori cone of curves is generated by strata, but this is known only for n up to 7. In contrast, the cones of effective divisors are not f initely generated, in all characteristics, when n is at least 10. After a general introduction to these topics, I will discuss what we call elliptic pairs and LangTrotter polygons, relating the question of finite generation of effective cones of blow-ups of certain toric surfaces to the arithmetic of elliptic curves. These lectures are based on joint work with Antonio Laface, Jenia Tevelev and Luca Ugaglia.[-]
The Grothendieck-Knudsen moduli space of stable rational curves n markings is arguably one of the simplest moduli spaces: it is a smooth projective variety that can be described explicitly as a blow-up of projective space, with strata corresponding to nodal curves similar to the torus invariant strata of a toric variety. Conjecturally, its Mori cone of curves is generated by strata, but this is known only for n up to 7. In contrast, the cones of ...[+]

14C20 ; 14M25 ; 14E30 ; 14H10 ; 14H52

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The Grothendieck-Knudsen moduli space of stable rational curves n markings is arguably one of the simplest moduli spaces: it is a smooth projective variety that can be described explicitly as a blow-up of projective space, with strata corresponding to nodal curves similar to the torus invariant strata of a toric variety. Conjecturally, its Mori cone of curves is generated by strata, but this is known only for n up to 7. In contrast, the cones of effective divisors are not f initely generated, in all characteristics, when n is at least 10. After a general introduction to these topics, I will discuss what we call elliptic pairs and LangTrotter polygons, relating the question of finite generation of effective cones of blow-ups of certain toric surfaces to the arithmetic of elliptic curves. These lectures are based on joint work with Antonio Laface, Jenia Tevelev and Luca Ugaglia.[-]
The Grothendieck-Knudsen moduli space of stable rational curves n markings is arguably one of the simplest moduli spaces: it is a smooth projective variety that can be described explicitly as a blow-up of projective space, with strata corresponding to nodal curves similar to the torus invariant strata of a toric variety. Conjecturally, its Mori cone of curves is generated by strata, but this is known only for n up to 7. In contrast, the cones of ...[+]

14C20 ; 14M25 ; 14E30 ; 14H10 ; 14H52

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I will discuss recent progress on understanding the dimension of self-similar sets and measures. The main conjecture in this field is that the only way that the dimension of such a fractal can be "non-full" is if the semigroup of contractions which define it is not free. The result I will discuss is that "non-full" dimension implies "almost non-freeness", in the sense that there are distinct words in the semigroup which are extremely close together (super-exponentially in their lengths). Applications include resolution of some conjectures of Furstenberg on the dimension of sumsets and, together with work of Shmerkin, progress on the absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions. The main new ingredient is a statement in additive combinatorics concerning the structure of measures whose entropy does not grow very much under convolution. If time permits I will discuss the analogous results in higher dimensions.[-]
I will discuss recent progress on understanding the dimension of self-similar sets and measures. The main conjecture in this field is that the only way that the dimension of such a fractal can be "non-full" is if the semigroup of contractions which define it is not free. The result I will discuss is that "non-full" dimension implies "almost non-freeness", in the sense that there are distinct words in the semigroup which are extremely close ...[+]

28A80 ; 37A10 ; 03D99 ; 54H20

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Pseudo-Anosov braids are generic - Wiest, Bert (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

We prove that generic elements of braid groups are pseudo-Anosov, in the following sense: in the Cayley graph of the braid group with $n\geq 3$ strands, with respect to Garside's generating set, we prove that the proportion of pseudo-Anosov braids in the ball of radius $l$ tends to $1$ exponentially quickly as $l$ tends to infinity. Moreover, with a similar notion of genericity, we prove that for generic pairs of elements of the braid group, the conjugacy search problem can be solved in quadratic time. The idea behind both results is that generic braids can be conjugated ''easily'' into a rigid braid.
braid groups - Garside groups - Nielsen-Thurston classification - pseudo-Anosov - conjugacy problem[-]
We prove that generic elements of braid groups are pseudo-Anosov, in the following sense: in the Cayley graph of the braid group with $n\geq 3$ strands, with respect to Garside's generating set, we prove that the proportion of pseudo-Anosov braids in the ball of radius $l$ tends to $1$ exponentially quickly as $l$ tends to infinity. Moreover, with a similar notion of genericity, we prove that for generic pairs of elements of the braid group, the ...[+]

20F36 ; 20F10 ; 20F65

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Random walk on random digraph - Salez, Justin (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

A finite ergodic Markov chain exhibits cutoff if its distance to equilibrium remains close to its initial value over a certain number of iterations and then abruptly drops to near 0 on a much shorter time scale. Originally discovered in the context of card shuffling (Aldous-Diaconis, 1986), this remarkable phenomenon is now rigorously established for many reversible chains. Here we consider the non-reversible case of random walks on sparse directed graphs, for which even the equilibrium measure is far from being understood. We work under the configuration model, allowing both the in-degrees and the out-degrees to be freely specified. We establish the cutoff phenomenon, determine its precise window and prove that the cutoff profile approaches a universal shape. We also provide a detailed description of the equilibrium measure.[-]
A finite ergodic Markov chain exhibits cutoff if its distance to equilibrium remains close to its initial value over a certain number of iterations and then abruptly drops to near 0 on a much shorter time scale. Originally discovered in the context of card shuffling (Aldous-Diaconis, 1986), this remarkable phenomenon is now rigorously established for many reversible chains. Here we consider the non-reversible case of random walks on sparse ...[+]

05C80 ; 05C81 ; 60G50 ; 60J10

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* The early results of Ramsey theory :
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Dickson-Schur work on Fermat's equation over finite fields, van der Waerden's theorem, Ramsey's theoremand its rediscovery by Erdos and Szekeres.

* Three main principles of Ramsey theory :
First principle: Complete disorder is impossible. Second principle: Behind every 'Partition' result there is a notion of largeness which is responsible for a 'Density' enhancement of this result. Third principle: The sought-after configurations which are always to be found in large sets are abundant.

* Furstenberg's Dynamical approach :
Partition Ramsey theory and topological dynamics Dynamical versions of van der Waerden's theorem, Hindman's theorem and Graham-Rothschild-Spencer's geometric Ramsey.
Density Ramsey theory and Furstenberg's correspondence principle Furstenberg's correspondence principle. Ergodic Szemeredi's theorem. Polynomial Szemeredi theorem. Density version of the Hales-Jewett theorem.

* Stone-Cech compactifications and Hindman's theorem :
Topological algebra in Stone-Cech compactifications. Proof of Hind-man's theorem via Poincare recurrence theorem for ultrafilters.

* IP sets and ergodic Ramsey theory :
Applications of IP sets and idempotent ultrafilters to ergodic-theoretical multiple recurrence and to density Ramsey theory. IP-polynomial Szemeredi theorem.

* Open problems and conjectures

If time permits:
* The nilpotent connection,
* Ergodic Ramsey theory and amenable groups[-]
* The early results of Ramsey theory :
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Dickson-Schur work on Fermat's equation over finite fields, van der Waerden's theorem, Ramsey's theoremand its rediscovery by Erdos and Szekeres.

* Three main principles of Ramsey theory :
First principle: Complete disorder is impossible. Second principle: Behind every 'Partition' result there is a notion of largeness which is responsible for a 'Density' enhancement of ...[+]

05D10 ; 37Axx ; 12D10 ; 11D41 ; 54D80 ; 37B20

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* The early results of Ramsey theory :
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Dickson-Schur work on Fermat's equation over finite fields, van der Waerden's theorem, Ramsey's theoremand its rediscovery by Erdos and Szekeres.

* Three main principles of Ramsey theory :
First principle: Complete disorder is impossible. Second principle: Behind every 'Partition' result there is a notion of largeness which is responsible for a 'Density' enhancement of this result. Third principle: The sought-after configurations which are always to be found in large sets are abundant.

* Furstenberg's Dynamical approach :
Partition Ramsey theory and topological dynamics Dynamical versions of van der Waerden's theorem, Hindman's theorem and Graham-Rothschild-Spencer's geometric Ramsey.
Density Ramsey theory and Furstenberg's correspondence principle Furstenberg's correspondence principle. Ergodic Szemeredi's theorem. Polynomial Szemeredi theorem. Density version of the Hales-Jewett theorem.

* Stone-Cech compactifications and Hindman's theorem :
Topological algebra in Stone-Cech compactifications. Proof of Hind-man's theorem via Poincare recurrence theorem for ultrafilters.

* IP sets and ergodic Ramsey theory :
Applications of IP sets and idempotent ultrafilters to ergodic-theoretical multiple recurrence and to density Ramsey theory. IP-polynomial Szemeredi theorem.

* Open problems and conjectures

If time permits:
* The nilpotent connection,
* Ergodic Ramsey theory and amenable groups[-]
* The early results of Ramsey theory :
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Dickson-Schur work on Fermat's equation over finite fields, van der Waerden's theorem, Ramsey's theoremand its rediscovery by Erdos and Szekeres.

* Three main principles of Ramsey theory :
First principle: Complete disorder is impossible. Second principle: Behind every 'Partition' result there is a notion of largeness which is responsible for a 'Density' enhancement of ...[+]

05D10 ; 37Axx ; 12D10 ; 11D41 ; 54D80 ; 37B20

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* The early results of Ramsey theory :
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Dickson-Schur work on Fermat's equation over finite fields, van der Waerden's theorem, Ramsey's theoremand its rediscovery by Erdos and Szekeres.

* Three main principles of Ramsey theory :
First principle: Complete disorder is impossible. Second principle: Behind every 'Partition' result there is a notion of largeness which is responsible for a 'Density' enhancement of this result. Third principle: The sought-after configurations which are always to be found in large sets are abundant.

* Furstenberg's Dynamical approach :
Partition Ramsey theory and topological dynamics Dynamical versions of van der Waerden's theorem, Hindman's theorem and Graham-Rothschild-Spencer's geometric Ramsey.
Density Ramsey theory and Furstenberg's correspondence principle Furstenberg's correspondence principle. Ergodic Szemeredi's theorem. Polynomial Szemeredi theorem. Density version of the Hales-Jewett theorem.

* Stone-Cech compactifications and Hindman's theorem :
Topological algebra in Stone-Cech compactifications. Proof of Hind-man's theorem via Poincare recurrence theorem for ultrafilters.

* IP sets and ergodic Ramsey theory :
Applications of IP sets and idempotent ultrafilters to ergodic-theoretical multiple recurrence and to density Ramsey theory. IP-polynomial Szemeredi theorem.

* Open problems and conjectures

If time permits:
* The nilpotent connection,
* Ergodic Ramsey theory and amenable groups[-]
* The early results of Ramsey theory :
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Dickson-Schur work on Fermat's equation over finite fields, van der Waerden's theorem, Ramsey's theoremand its rediscovery by Erdos and Szekeres.

* Three main principles of Ramsey theory :
First principle: Complete disorder is impossible. Second principle: Behind every 'Partition' result there is a notion of largeness which is responsible for a 'Density' enhancement of ...[+]

05D10 ; 37Axx ; 12D10 ; 11D41 ; 54D80 ; 37B20

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