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CEMRACS 149 résultats

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In this third lecture the ideal and extended magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) fluid moment descriptions of magnetized plasmas are discussed first. The ideal MHD equilibrium in a toroidally axisymmetric tokamak plasma is discussed next. Then, the collisional viscous force closure moments and their effects on the parallel Ohm's law and poloidal flows in the extended MHD model of tokamak plasmas are discussed. Finally, the species fluid moment equations are transformed to magnetic flux coordinates, averaged over a flux surface and used to obtain the tokamak plasma transport equations. These equations describe the transport of the plasma electron density, plasma toroidal angular momentum and pressure of the electron and ion species "radially" across the nested tokamak toroidal magnetic flux surfaces.[-]
In this third lecture the ideal and extended magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) fluid moment descriptions of magnetized plasmas are discussed first. The ideal MHD equilibrium in a toroidally axisymmetric tokamak plasma is discussed next. Then, the collisional viscous force closure moments and their effects on the parallel Ohm's law and poloidal flows in the extended MHD model of tokamak plasmas are discussed. Finally, the species fluid moment equations ...[+]

76X05 ; 82C70

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We consider competitive capacity investment for a duopoly of two distinct producers. The producers are exposed to stochastically fluctuating costs and interact through aggregate supply. Capacity expansion is irreversible and modeled in terms of timing strategies characterized through threshold rules. Because the impact of changing costs on the producers is asymmetric, we are led to a nonzero-sum timing game describing the transitions among the discrete investment stages. Working in a continuous-time diffusion framework, we characterize and analyze the resulting Nash equilibrium and game values. Our analysis quantifies the dynamic competition effects and yields insight into dynamic preemption and over-investment in a general asymmetric setting. A case-study considering the impact of fluctuating emission costs on power producers investing in nuclear and coal-fired plants is also presented.[-]
We consider competitive capacity investment for a duopoly of two distinct producers. The producers are exposed to stochastically fluctuating costs and interact through aggregate supply. Capacity expansion is irreversible and modeled in terms of timing strategies characterized through threshold rules. Because the impact of changing costs on the producers is asymmetric, we are led to a nonzero-sum timing game describing the transitions among the ...[+]

93E20 ; 91B38 ; 91A80

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On the interplay between kinetic theory and game theory - Degond, Pierre (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

We propose a mean field kinetic model for systems of rational agents interacting in a game theoretical framework. This model is inspired from non-cooperative anonymous games with a continuum of players and Mean-Field Games. The large time behavior of the system is given by a macroscopic closure with a Nash equilibrium serving as the local thermodynamic equilibrium. Applications of the presented theory to social and economical models will be given.[-]
We propose a mean field kinetic model for systems of rational agents interacting in a game theoretical framework. This model is inspired from non-cooperative anonymous games with a continuum of players and Mean-Field Games. The large time behavior of the system is given by a macroscopic closure with a Nash equilibrium serving as the local thermodynamic equilibrium. Applications of the presented theory to social and economical models will be ...[+]

91B80 ; 35Q82 ; 35Q91

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Mathématiques du hasard et de l'évolution - Méléard, Sylvie (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

Lorsque l'on évoque Darwin et la théorie de l'évolution, on ne pense pas aux mathématiques. Pourtant dès que l'on s'intéresse aux mécanismes de la sélection naturelle, au hasard de la reproduction et au rôle des mutations, il est indispensable de les utiliser.
Après une introduction historique aux idées de Darwin sur l'évolution des espèces, nous expliquons l'impact de sa théorie et de ses réflexions sur la communauté scientifique et l'influence qu'il a eue sur la modélisation mathématique des dynamiques de population ou de la génétique des populations. Nous développons quelques exemples d'objets mathématiques, tels les processus de branchement, qui permettent de prédire le futur d'une population (son extinction, sa diversité…) ou au contraire d'en connaître le passé biologique (l'ancêtre commun d'un groupe d'individus par exemple). L'introduction du hasard dans la modélisation des questions liées à la biodiversité et à l'évolution est fondamentale. Elle permet de prendre en compte les variabilités individuelles et de mieux comprendre l'impact des facteurs écologiques et génétiques sur l'évolution des espèces.
Ces idées seront illustrées par des exemples issus de travaux récents développés entre mathématiciens et biologistes.[-]
Lorsque l'on évoque Darwin et la théorie de l'évolution, on ne pense pas aux mathématiques. Pourtant dès que l'on s'intéresse aux mécanismes de la sélection naturelle, au hasard de la reproduction et au rôle des mutations, il est indispensable de les utiliser.
Après une introduction historique aux idées de Darwin sur l'évolution des espèces, nous expliquons l'impact de sa théorie et de ses réflexions sur la communauté scientifique et l'influence ...[+]

00A06 ; 00A08 ; 92-XX

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déchets radioactifs - modélisation mathématique

00A06 ; 93A30

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This lecture will present a short overview on kinetic MHD. The advantages and drawbacks of kinetic versus fluid modelling will be summarized. Various techniques to implement kinetic effects in the fluid description will be introduced with increasing complexity: bi-fluid effects, gyroaverage fields, Landau closures. Hybrid formulations, which combine fluid and kinetic approaches will be presented. It will be shown that these formulations raise several difficulties, including inconsistent ordering and choice of representation. The non linear dynamics of an internal kink mode in a tokamak will be used as a test bed for the various formulations. It will be shown that bi-fluid effects can explain to some extent fast plasma relaxations (reconnection), but cannot address kinetic instabilities due to energetic particles. Some results of hybrid codes will be shown. Recent developments and perspectives will be given in conclusion.[-]
This lecture will present a short overview on kinetic MHD. The advantages and drawbacks of kinetic versus fluid modelling will be summarized. Various techniques to implement kinetic effects in the fluid description will be introduced with increasing complexity: bi-fluid effects, gyroaverage fields, Landau closures. Hybrid formulations, which combine fluid and kinetic approaches will be presented. It will be shown that these formulations raise ...[+]

82D10 ; 76W05

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The momentum transport in a fusion device such as a tokamak has been in a scope of the interest during last decade. Indeed, it is tightly related to the plasma rotation and therefore its stabilization, which in its turn is essential for the confinement improvement. The intrinsic rotation, i.e. the part of the rotation occurring without any external torque is one of the possible sources of plasma stabilization.
The modern gyrokinetic theory [3] is an ubiquitous theoretical framework for lowfrequency fusion plasma description. In this work we are using the field theory formulation of the modern gyrokinetics [1]. The main attention is focussed on derivation of the momentum conservation law via the Noether method, which allows to connect symmetries of the system with conserved quantities by means of the infinitesimal space-time translations and rotations.
Such an approach allows to consistently keep the gyrokinetic dynamical reduction effects into account and therefore leads towards a complete momentum transport equation.
Elucidating the role of the gyrokinetic polarization is one of the main results of this work. We show that the terms resulting from each step of the dynamical reduction (guiding-center and gyrocenter) should be consistently taken into account in order to establish physical meaning of the transported quantity. The present work [2] generalizes previous result obtained in [4] by taking into the account purely geometrical contributions into the radial polarization.[-]
The momentum transport in a fusion device such as a tokamak has been in a scope of the interest during last decade. Indeed, it is tightly related to the plasma rotation and therefore its stabilization, which in its turn is essential for the confinement improvement. The intrinsic rotation, i.e. the part of the rotation occurring without any external torque is one of the possible sources of plasma stabilization.
The modern gyrokinetic theory [3] ...[+]

82D10 ; 82C40 ; 35L65 ; 35Q83 ; 70S10

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Reduced MHD models in Tokamak geometry are convenient simplifications of full MHD and are fundamental for the numerical simulation of MHD stability in Tokamaks. This presentation will address the mathematical well-posedness and the justification of the such models.
The first result is a systematic design of hierachies of well-posed reduced MHD models. Here well-posed means that the system is endowed with a physically sound energy identity and that existence of a weak solution can be proved. Some of these models will be detailed.
The second result is perhaps more important for applications. It provides understanding on the fact the the growth rate of linear instabilities of the initial (non reduced) model is lower bounded by the growth rate of linear instabilities of the reduced model.
This work has been done with Rémy Sart.[-]
Reduced MHD models in Tokamak geometry are convenient simplifications of full MHD and are fundamental for the numerical simulation of MHD stability in Tokamaks. This presentation will address the mathematical well-posedness and the justification of the such models.
The first result is a systematic design of hierachies of well-posed reduced MHD models. Here well-posed means that the system is endowed with a physically sound energy ...[+]

76W05 ; 35L65 ; 65M60 ; 35Q30

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