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2019 - Sem 1 - Grava - Bufetov 42 résultats

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Andreï Kolmogorov est un mathématicien russe (1903-1987) qui a apporté des contributions frappantes en théorie des probabilités, théorie ergodique, turbulence, mécanique classique, logique mathématique, topologie, théorie algorithmique de l'information et en analyse de la complexité des algorithmes. Alexander Bufetov, Directeur de recherche CNRS (I2M - Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille) et porteur local de la Chaire Jean-Morlet (Chaire Tamara Grava 2019 - semestre 1) donnera une conférence sur les contributions exceptionnelles et la vie dramatique d'un grand génie du XXe siècle.[-]
Andreï Kolmogorov est un mathématicien russe (1903-1987) qui a apporté des contributions frappantes en théorie des probabilités, théorie ergodique, turbulence, mécanique classique, logique mathématique, topologie, théorie algorithmique de l'information et en analyse de la complexité des algorithmes. Alexander Bufetov, Directeur de recherche CNRS (I2M - Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille) et porteur local de la Chaire Jean-Morlet ...[+]

00A06 ; 00A09 ; 01Axx ; 01A60

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Universality in tiling models - Van Moerbeke, Pierre (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

We consider the domino tilings of a large class of Aztec rectangles. For an appropriate scaling limit, we show that, the disordered region consists of roughly two arctic circles connected with a finite number of paths. The statistics of these paths is governed by a kernel, also found in other models (universality). The kernel thus obtained is believed to be a master kernel, from which the kernels, associated with critical points, can all be derived.[-]
We consider the domino tilings of a large class of Aztec rectangles. For an appropriate scaling limit, we show that, the disordered region consists of roughly two arctic circles connected with a finite number of paths. The statistics of these paths is governed by a kernel, also found in other models (universality). The kernel thus obtained is believed to be a master kernel, from which the kernels, associated with critical points, can all be ...[+]

60B20 ; 60D05

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We will investigate the form of spatio-temporal correlation functions for integrable models of systems of particles on the line. There are few analytical results for nonlinear systems, and so we start developing intuition from harmonic chains, where steepest descent analysis yields detailed asymptotic behaviour of the correlation functions in a variety of scaling limits. We will introduce integrable nonlinear lattices, explain the integrable solution procedure, as well as computational simulations to see dynamics of correlation functions in action.[-]
We will investigate the form of spatio-temporal correlation functions for integrable models of systems of particles on the line. There are few analytical results for nonlinear systems, and so we start developing intuition from harmonic chains, where steepest descent analysis yields detailed asymptotic behaviour of the correlation functions in a variety of scaling limits. We will introduce integrable nonlinear lattices, explain the integrable ...[+]

60B20 ; 60K35 ; 37K10

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Monodromy dependence of Painlevé tau functions - Lisovyi, Oleg (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

In many interesting cases, distribution functions of random matrix theory and correlation functions of integrable models of statistical mechanics and quantum field theory are given by tau functions of Painlevé equations. I will discuss an extension of the Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno differential to the space of monodromy data and explain how this construction can be used to compute constant terms in the tau function asymptotics.

34M35 ; 34M55 ; 34E10

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These lectures will focus on understanding properties of classical operators and their connections to other important areas of mathematics. Perhaps the simplest example is the asymptotics of determinants of finite Toepltiz matrices, which have constants along the diagonals. The determinants of these $n$ by $n$ size matrices, have (in appropriate cases) an asymptotic expression that is of the form $G^n \times E$ where both G and E are constants. This expansion is useful in describing many statistical quantities variables for certain random matrix models.

In other instances, where the above expression must be modified, the asymptotics correspond to critical temperature cases in the Ising Model, or to cases where the random variables are in some sense singular.

Generalizations of the above result to other settings, for example, convolution operators on the line, are also important. For example, for Wiener-Hopf operators, the analogue of the determinants of finite matrices is a Fredholm determinant. These determinants are especially prominent in random matrix theory where they describe many quantities including the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in the classic Gaussian Unitary Ensemble, and in turn connections to Painleve equations.

The lectures will use operator theory methods to first describe the simplest cases of the asymptotics of determinants for the convolution (both discrete and continuous) operators, then proceed to the more singular cases. Operator theory techniques will also be used to illustrate the links to the Painlevé equations.[-]
These lectures will focus on understanding properties of classical operators and their connections to other important areas of mathematics. Perhaps the simplest example is the asymptotics of determinants of finite Toepltiz matrices, which have constants along the diagonals. The determinants of these $n$ by $n$ size matrices, have (in appropriate cases) an asymptotic expression that is of the form $G^n \times E$ where both G and E are constants. ...[+]


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We will investigate the form of spatio-temporal correlation functions for integrable models of systems of particles on the line. There are few analytical results for nonlinear systems, and so we start developing intuition from harmonic chains, where steepest descent analysis yields detailed asymptotic behaviour of the correlation functions in a variety of scaling limits. We will introduce integrable nonlinear lattices, explain the integrable solution procedure, as well as computational simulations to see dynamics of correlation functions in action.[-]
We will investigate the form of spatio-temporal correlation functions for integrable models of systems of particles on the line. There are few analytical results for nonlinear systems, and so we start developing intuition from harmonic chains, where steepest descent analysis yields detailed asymptotic behaviour of the correlation functions in a variety of scaling limits. We will introduce integrable nonlinear lattices, explain the integrable ...[+]

60B20 ; 60K35 ; 37K10

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A fundamental question in random matrix theory is to understand how much the eigenvalues of a random matrix fluctuate.
I will address this question in the context of unitary invariant ensembles, by studying the global rigidity of the eigenvalues, or in other words the maximal deviation of an eigenvalue from its classical location.
Our approach to this question combines extreme value theory of log-correlated stochastic processes, and in particular the theory of multiplicative chaos, with asymptotic analysis of large Hankel determinants with Fisher-Hartwig symbols of various types.
In addition to optimal rigidity estimates, our approach sheds light on the extreme values and on the fractal geometry of the eigenvalue counting function.
The talk will be based on joint work in progress with Benjamin Fahs, Gaultier Lambert, and Christian Webb.[-]
A fundamental question in random matrix theory is to understand how much the eigenvalues of a random matrix fluctuate.
I will address this question in the context of unitary invariant ensembles, by studying the global rigidity of the eigenvalues, or in other words the maximal deviation of an eigenvalue from its classical location.
Our approach to this question combines extreme value theory of log-correlated stochastic processes, and in ...[+]

15B52 ; 60B20

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The determinantal point processes arise naturally from different areas such as random matrices, representation theory, random graphs and zeros of holomorphic functions etc. In this talk, we will briefly talk about determinantal point processes related to spaces of holomorphic functions, in particular, we will discuss some results concerning the conditional measures, rigidity property and the Olshanskis problem on this area. The talk will be based on several works joint with Alexander Bufetov, Alexander Shamov and Shilei Fan.[-]
The determinantal point processes arise naturally from different areas such as random matrices, representation theory, random graphs and zeros of holomorphic functions etc. In this talk, we will briefly talk about determinantal point processes related to spaces of holomorphic functions, in particular, we will discuss some results concerning the conditional measures, rigidity property and the Olshanskis problem on this area. The talk will be ...[+]


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These lectures will focus on understanding properties of classical operators and their connections to other important areas of mathematics. Perhaps the simplest example is the asymptotics of determinants of finite Toepltiz matrices, which have constants along the diagonals. The determinants of these $n$ by $n$ size matrices, have (in appropriate cases) an asymptotic expression that is of the form $G^n \times E$ where both G and E are constants. This expansion is useful in describing many statistical quantities variables for certain random matrix models.

In other instances, where the above expression must be modified, the asymptotics correspond to critical temperature cases in the Ising Model, or to cases where the random variables are in some sense singular.

Generalizations of the above result to other settings, for example, convolution operators on the line, are also important. For example, for Wiener-Hopf operators, the analogue of the determinants of finite matrices is a Fredholm determinant. These determinants are especially prominent in random matrix theory where they describe many quantities including the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in the classic Gaussian Unitary Ensemble, and in turn connections to Painleve equations.

The lectures will use operator theory methods to first describe the simplest cases of the asymptotics of determinants for the convolution (both discrete and continuous) operators, then proceed to the more singular cases. Operator theory techniques will also be used to illustrate the links to the Painlevé equations.[-]
These lectures will focus on understanding properties of classical operators and their connections to other important areas of mathematics. Perhaps the simplest example is the asymptotics of determinants of finite Toepltiz matrices, which have constants along the diagonals. The determinants of these $n$ by $n$ size matrices, have (in appropriate cases) an asymptotic expression that is of the form $G^n \times E$ where both G and E are constants. ...[+]


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These lectures will focus on understanding properties of classical operators and their connections to other important areas of mathematics. Perhaps the simplest example is the asymptotics of determinants of finite Toepltiz matrices, which have constants along the diagonals. The determinants of these $n$ by $n$ size matrices, have (in appropriate cases) an asymptotic expression that is of the form $G^n \times E$ where both G and E are constants. This expansion is useful in describing many statistical quantities variables for certain random matrix models.

In other instances, where the above expression must be modified, the asymptotics correspond to critical temperature cases in the Ising Model, or to cases where the random variables are in some sense singular.

Generalizations of the above result to other settings, for example, convolution operators on the line, are also important. For example, for Wiener-Hopf operators, the analogue of the determinants of finite matrices is a Fredholm determinant. These determinants are especially prominent in random matrix theory where they describe many quantities including the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in the classic Gaussian Unitary Ensemble, and in turn connections to Painleve equations.

The lectures will use operator theory methods to first describe the simplest cases of the asymptotics of determinants for the convolution (both discrete and continuous) operators, then proceed to the more singular cases. Operator theory techniques will also be used to illustrate the links to the Painlevé equations.[-]
These lectures will focus on understanding properties of classical operators and their connections to other important areas of mathematics. Perhaps the simplest example is the asymptotics of determinants of finite Toepltiz matrices, which have constants along the diagonals. The determinants of these $n$ by $n$ size matrices, have (in appropriate cases) an asymptotic expression that is of the form $G^n \times E$ where both G and E are constants. ...[+]


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