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CIRM Interviews 61 results

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Frank den Hollander is Prof. dr. at Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
From 2 to 6 June 2014, Prof. dr. Frank den Hollander has provided 2 lectures during the workshop ‘Recent Models in Random Media' at the CIRM. During his visit, Prof. den Hollander was interviewed about his own mathematical research, the theme of the workshop and his lectures and about the state of mathematics in the Netherlands.

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Maria Chudnovsky is a professor in the department of mathematics at Princeton University. She grew up in Russia and Israel, studying at the Technion and received her Ph.D. in 2003 from Princeton under the supervision of Paul Seymour. She moved to Columbia after being a Clay Mathematics Institute research fellow and assistant professor at Princeton. Chudnovsky's contributions to graph theory include the proof of the strong perfect graph theorem with Robertson, Seymour and Thomas characterizing perfect graphs as being exactly the graphs with no odd induced cycles of length at least 5 or their complements. Other research contributions of Chudnovsky include co-authorship of the first polynomial time algorithm for recognizing perfect graphs and of a structural characterization of the claw-free graphs.[-]
Maria Chudnovsky is a professor in the department of mathematics at Princeton University. She grew up in Russia and Israel, studying at the Technion and received her Ph.D. in 2003 from Princeton under the supervision of Paul Seymour. She moved to Columbia after being a Clay Mathematics Institute research fellow and assistant professor at Princeton. Chudnovsky's contributions to graph theory include the proof of the strong perfect graph theorem ...[+]

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Michael ARTIN participated in the "Artin Approximation and Infinite dimensional Geometry" event organized at CIRM in March 2015, which was part of the Jean-Morlet semester held by Herwig Hauser. Michael Artin is an American mathematician and a professor emeritus in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematics department, known for his contributions to algebraic geometry and also generally recognized as one of the outstanding professors in his field. Artin was born in Hamburg, Germany, and brought up in Indiana. His parents were Natalia Jasny (Natascha) and Emil Artin, a preeminent algebraist of the 20th century. In 2002, Artin won the American Mathematical Society's annual Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. In 2005, he was awarded the Harvard Centennial Medal. He won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the American Mathematical Society.[-]
Michael ARTIN participated in the "Artin Approximation and Infinite dimensional Geometry" event organized at CIRM in March 2015, which was part of the Jean-Morlet semester held by Herwig Hauser. Michael Artin is an American mathematician and a professor emeritus in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematics department, known for his contributions to algebraic geometry and also generally recognized as one of the outstanding professors ...[+]

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Herwig Hauser (Chair) and Guillaume Rond (Local Project Leader) held a Jean Morlet semester at CIRM from mid January to mid July 2015. Their scientific programme focused on 'Artin Approximation and Singularity Theory'. Artin Approximation concerns the solvability of algebraic equations in spaces of formal, convergent or algebraic power series. The classical version asserts that if a formal solution exists, then there also exists a convergent, hence analytic, and even algebraic solution which approximates the formal solution up to any given degree. As such, the theorem is instrumental for numerous constructions in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and recursion theory in combinatorics. A series is Nash or algebraic if it is algebraic over the polynomials. Nash series can be codified by polynomial data deduced from the minimal polynomial by the normalization of the respective algebraic hypersurface. This makes them computable. The field has seen renewed activity through the recent research on Arc Spaces, Motivic Integration and Infinite Dimensional Geometry. Important questions remain still unanswered (nested subring case, composition problems, structure theorems for the solution sets) and were investigated during the program. Fruitful interchanges with the singularity theory, the combinatorics and the algebraic geometry groups took place. The scientific program was complemented by an exhibition of algebraic surfaces in the city of Marseille, based on the very successful "Imaginary" program designed by Hauser for the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
CIRM - Chaire Jean-Morlet 2015 - Aix-Marseille Université[-]
Herwig Hauser (Chair) and Guillaume Rond (Local Project Leader) held a Jean Morlet semester at CIRM from mid January to mid July 2015. Their scientific programme focused on 'Artin Approximation and Singularity Theory'. Artin Approximation concerns the solvability of algebraic equations in spaces of formal, convergent or algebraic power series. The classical version asserts that if a formal solution exists, then there also exists a convergent, ...[+]

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Mark Pollicott (born 24 September 1959) is a British mathematician known for his contributions to ergodic theory and dynamical systems. He has a particular interest in applications to other areas of mathematics, including geometry, number theory and analysis.

Pollicott attended High Pavement College in Nottingham, where his teachers included the Booker prize winning author Stanley Middleton. He gained a BSc in Mathematics and Physics in 1981 and a PhD in Mathematics in 1984 both at the University of Warwick. His PhD supervisor was Bill Parry and his thesis title The Ruelle Operator, Zeta Functions and the Asymptotic Distribution of Closed Orbits.

He held permanent positions at the University of Edinburgh, University of Porto, and University of Warwick before appointment to the Fielden Chair of Pure Mathematics in Manchester (1996–2004). He then returned to a professorship at Warwick in 2005. In addition, he has held numerous visiting positions including ones at the IHES in Paris, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, MSRI in University of California, Berkeley, Caltech and Grenoble. He has been recipient of a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, two Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships and an E.U. Marie Curie Chair.[-]
Mark Pollicott (born 24 September 1959) is a British mathematician known for his contributions to ergodic theory and dynamical systems. He has a particular interest in applications to other areas of mathematics, including geometry, number theory and analysis.

Pollicott attended High Pavement College in Nottingham, where his teachers included the Booker prize winning author Stanley Middleton. He gained a BSc in Mathematics and Physics in 1981 ...[+]

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Swiss-born mathematician Nicola Kistler was the first holder of the Jean-Morlet Chair for mathematical sciences at CIRM and, in that capacity, became the first visiting researcher in residence for six months at the Centre. His stay at CIRM lasted from early February till July 2013. He set up a program of mathematical events focusing on 'Probability', with the collaboration of Véronique Gayrard, local project leader working at Marseille's Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilités (ex LATP - now I2M).
CIRM - Chaire Jean-Morlet 2013 - Aix-Marseille Université[-]
Swiss-born mathematician Nicola Kistler was the first holder of the Jean-Morlet Chair for mathematical sciences at CIRM and, in that capacity, became the first visiting researcher in residence for six months at the Centre. His stay at CIRM lasted from early February till July 2013. He set up a program of mathematical events focusing on 'Probability', with the collaboration of Véronique Gayrard, local project leader working at Marseille's ...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Inkang Kim - Kim, Inkang (Interviewee) | CIRM


Inkang Kim works on hyperbolic geometry and symmetric spaces. He works on rigidity and flexibility of discrete groups acting on symmetric spaces. For rigidity side, he proved the marked length rigidity of Zariski dense subgroups of semisimple Lie groups. In the line of Weil's local rigidity, with his collaborators he proved the local rigidity of real and complex hyperbolic lattices in quaternionic hyperbolic spaces. For flexibility side, with Pierre Pansu he characterized the criterion for a deformability to a Zariski dense representation of a surface group representation in semisimple Lie groups. Specially in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, with other collaborators he generalized William Thurston's double limit theorem to any hyperbolic 3-manifold with compressible boundary.[-]
Inkang Kim works on hyperbolic geometry and symmetric spaces. He works on rigidity and flexibility of discrete groups acting on symmetric spaces. For rigidity side, he proved the marked length rigidity of Zariski dense subgroups of semisimple Lie groups. In the line of Weil's local rigidity, with his collaborators he proved the local rigidity of real and complex hyperbolic lattices in quaternionic hyperbolic spaces. For flexibility side, with ...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Terry Lyons - Lyons, Terry (Interviewee) | CIRM


In 2013, probability was the key subject of the thematic month, Terry J LYONS took part in the conference dedicated to French mathematician Etienne PARDOUX in celebration of his 65th birthday. An opportunity for us to look into the areas of mathematics that LYONS, a famous British mathematician, chooses to concentrate on... Interview.

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Pierre-Louis LIONS a participé au mois thématique 2013 au CIRM consacré aux probabilités.
Médaille Fields 1994, Pierre-Louis LIONS est le fils du mathématicien Jacques-Louis Lions. Reçu major à Polytechnique et à l'ENS, Pierre-Louis Lions entre à l'École normale supérieure (Paris) en 1975. Refusant de passer l'agrégation de mathématiques, il préfère se consacrer à la recherche en mathématiques appliquées et obtient son doctorat, dirigé par Haïm Brézis, en 1979 à l'Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. De 1979 à 1981, il poursuit ses recherches au CNRS puis devient professeur à l'université de Paris-Dauphine. Pierre-Louis Lions est professeur de mathématiques appliquées à l'École polytechnique depuis 1992 et professeur invité au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers en 2000. Il est nommé professeur au Collège de France en 2002, où il est titulaire de la chaire « Équations aux dérivées partielles et applications ».
Les travaux mathématiques de Pierre-Louis Lions portent sur la théorie des équations différentielles partielles non linéaires. On lui doit notamment un travail conjoint avec M. G. Crandall sur les solutions de viscosité des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi, des avancées sur l'équation de Boltzmann et l'équation de Navier-Stokes, et le très célèbre principe de concentration-compacité. Depuis 2006, les travaux de Pierre-Louis Lions, ainsi que ses cours au Collège de France, portent sur la théorie des jeux à champ moyen qu'il a développée avec Jean-Michel Lasry.
En septembre 2006, il a été nommé membre du Haut conseil de la science et de la technologie.
En 2009, il est nommé président du conseil d'administration de l'École normale supérieure en remplacement du conseiller d'État Jean-Claude Mallet.
Il a encadré de nombreuses thèses dont celle de Cédric Villani, lauréat de la médaille Fields en 2010.[-]
Pierre-Louis LIONS a participé au mois thématique 2013 au CIRM consacré aux probabilités.
Médaille Fields 1994, Pierre-Louis LIONS est le fils du mathématicien Jacques-Louis Lions. Reçu major à Polytechnique et à l'ENS, Pierre-Louis Lions entre à l'École normale supérieure (Paris) en 1975. Refusant de passer l'agrégation de mathématiques, il préfère se consacrer à la recherche en mathématiques appliquées et obtient son doctorat, dirigé par Haïm ...[+]

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Etienne Ghys is a French mathematician. His research focuses mainly on geometry and dynamical systems, though his mathematical interests are broad. He also expresses much interest in the historical development of mathematical ideas, especially the contribution of Henri Poincaré.
He co-authored the computer graphics mathematical movie Dimensions: A walk through mathematics!
Alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, he is currently a CNRS "directeur de recherche" at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon. He is also editor-in-chief of the Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS and a member of the French Academy of Sciences.[-]
Etienne Ghys is a French mathematician. His research focuses mainly on geometry and dynamical systems, though his mathematical interests are broad. He also expresses much interest in the historical development of mathematical ideas, especially the contribution of Henri Poincaré.
He co-authored the computer graphics mathematical movie Dimensions: A walk through mathematics!
Alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, he is currently a ...[+]

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