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Les Interviews du CIRM 61 résultats

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Interview au CIRM : Virginie Bonnaillie Noël - ... (Personne interviewée) | H


Directrice de recherche CNRS au DMA, UMR 8553 (équipe Analyse)
Directrice Adjoint Scientifique à l'Insmi, en charge de la politique de sites (Institut des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions - CNRS)
Adjointe Déléguée Scientifique Référente au CNRS

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Interview at CIRM: Ingrid Daubechies - ... (Personne interviewée) | H


Ingrid Daubechies, James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University.

Baroness Ingrid Daubechies (In 2012 King Albert II of Belgium granted her the title of Baroness) is a Belgian physicist and mathematician. Between 2004 and 2011 she was the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor in the mathematics and applied mathematics departments at Princeton University. She taught at Princeton for 16 years. In January 2011 she moved to Duke University as a professor in mathematics. She was the first woman to be president of the International Mathematical Union (2011–2014). She is best known for her work with wavelets in image compression.

Why she does mathematics, first mathematical memories, first encounter with mathematics, influences, research themes, wavelets theory, collaboration with Alex Grossman and Jean Morlet, first « Eurêka moment », etc.[-]
Ingrid Daubechies, James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University.

Baroness Ingrid Daubechies (In 2012 King Albert II of Belgium granted her the title of Baroness) is a Belgian physicist and mathematician. Between 2004 and 2011 she was the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor in the mathematics and applied mathematics departments at Princeton University. She taught at Princeton for 16 years. In ...[+]

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Interview au CIRM : Pascal Hubert - ... (Personne interviewée) | H


Pascal Hubert est mathématicien, professeur au sein d'Aix-Marseille Université et directeur de la FRUMAM.
Il parle ici de son grand-père, qui lui a donné le goût des mathématiques, de ses recherches, de la richesse mathématique marseillaise, de sa collaboration avec Artur Avila (Médaille Fields 2014), etc. Artur Avila que nous avons pu contacter avant l'interview de Pascal Hubert, et qui nous a demandé de lui parler de Jean-Christophe Yoccoz...[-]
Pascal Hubert est mathématicien, professeur au sein d'Aix-Marseille Université et directeur de la FRUMAM.
Il parle ici de son grand-père, qui lui a donné le goût des mathématiques, de ses recherches, de la richesse mathématique marseillaise, de sa collaboration avec Artur Avila (Médaille Fields 2014), etc. Artur Avila que nous avons pu contacter avant l'interview de Pascal Hubert, et qui nous a demandé de lui parler de Jean-Christophe Yoccoz...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Martin Hairer - ... (Personne interviewée) | H


Martin Hairer KBE FRS (born 14 November 1975 in Geneva, Switzerland) is an Austrian mathematician working in the field of stochastic analysis, in particular stochastic partial differential equations. As of 2017 he is Regius Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, having previously held a position at the Courant Institute of New York University. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014, one of the highest honours a mathematician can achieve.[-]
Martin Hairer KBE FRS (born 14 November 1975 in Geneva, Switzerland) is an Austrian mathematician working in the field of stochastic analysis, in particular stochastic partial differential equations. As of 2017 he is Regius Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, having previously held a position at the Courant Institute of New York University. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014, one of the highest honours a mathematician can ...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Terence Tao - ... (Personne interviewée) | H


Terence Tao (born 17 July 1975) is an Australian-American mathematician who has worked in various areas of mathematics. He currently focuses on harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic combinatorics, arithmetic combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, compressed sensing and analytic number theory. As of 2015, he holds the James and Carol Collins chair in mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Tao was a co-recipient of the 2006 Fields Medal and the 2014 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics.[-]
Terence Tao (born 17 July 1975) is an Australian-American mathematician who has worked in various areas of mathematics. He currently focuses on harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic combinatorics, arithmetic combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, compressed sensing and analytic number theory. As of 2015, he holds the James and Carol Collins chair in mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Tao was a ...[+]

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Interview au Cirm : Fabien Durand & Samuel Petite - ... (Personne interviewée) ; ... (Personne interviewée) | H

Multi angle

This conference will gather researchers working on different topics such as combinatorics, computer science, probability, geometry, physics, quasicrystallography, ... but sharing a common interest: dynamical systems and more precisely subshifts, tilings and group actions. It will focus on algebraic and dynamical invariants such as group automorphisms, growth of symbolic complexity, Rauzy graphs, dimension groups, cohomology groups, full groups, dynamical spectrum, amenability, proximal pairs, ... With this conference we aim to spread out these invariants outside of their original domains and to deepen their connections with combinatorial and dynamical properties.[-]
This conference will gather researchers working on different topics such as combinatorics, computer science, probability, geometry, physics, quasicrystallography, ... but sharing a common interest: dynamical systems and more precisely subshifts, tilings and group actions. It will focus on algebraic and dynamical invariants such as group automorphisms, growth of symbolic complexity, Rauzy graphs, dimension groups, cohomology groups, full groups, ...[+]

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Interview au CIRM : Nicola Kistler - ... (Personne interviewée) | H


Swiss-born mathematician Nicola Kistler was the first holder of the Jean-Morlet Chair for mathematical sciences at CIRM and, in that capacity, became the first visiting researcher in residence for six months at the Centre. His stay at CIRM lasted from early February till July 2013. He set up a program of mathematical events focusing on 'Probability', with the collaboration of Véronique Gayrard, local project leader working at Marseille's Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilités (ex LATP - now I2M).
CIRM - Chaire Jean-Morlet 2013 - Aix-Marseille Université[-]
Swiss-born mathematician Nicola Kistler was the first holder of the Jean-Morlet Chair for mathematical sciences at CIRM and, in that capacity, became the first visiting researcher in residence for six months at the Centre. His stay at CIRM lasted from early February till July 2013. He set up a program of mathematical events focusing on 'Probability', with the collaboration of Véronique Gayrard, local project leader working at Marseille's ...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Inkang Kim - ... (Personne interviewée) |


Inkang Kim works on hyperbolic geometry and symmetric spaces. He works on rigidity and flexibility of discrete groups acting on symmetric spaces. For rigidity side, he proved the marked length rigidity of Zariski dense subgroups of semisimple Lie groups. In the line of Weil's local rigidity, with his collaborators he proved the local rigidity of real and complex hyperbolic lattices in quaternionic hyperbolic spaces. For flexibility side, with Pierre Pansu he characterized the criterion for a deformability to a Zariski dense representation of a surface group representation in semisimple Lie groups. Specially in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, with other collaborators he generalized William Thurston's double limit theorem to any hyperbolic 3-manifold with compressible boundary.[-]
Inkang Kim works on hyperbolic geometry and symmetric spaces. He works on rigidity and flexibility of discrete groups acting on symmetric spaces. For rigidity side, he proved the marked length rigidity of Zariski dense subgroups of semisimple Lie groups. In the line of Weil's local rigidity, with his collaborators he proved the local rigidity of real and complex hyperbolic lattices in quaternionic hyperbolic spaces. For flexibility side, with ...[+]

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Interview at CIRM: Terry Lyons - ... (Personne interviewée) |


In 2013, probability was the key subject of the thematic month, Terry J LYONS took part in the conference dedicated to French mathematician Etienne PARDOUX in celebration of his 65th birthday. An opportunity for us to look into the areas of mathematics that LYONS, a famous British mathematician, chooses to concentrate on... Interview.

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Interview au CIRM : Pierre-Louis Lions - ... (Personne interviewée) |


Pierre-Louis LIONS a participé au mois thématique 2013 au CIRM consacré aux probabilités.
Médaille Fields 1994, Pierre-Louis LIONS est le fils du mathématicien Jacques-Louis Lions. Reçu major à Polytechnique et à l'ENS, Pierre-Louis Lions entre à l'École normale supérieure (Paris) en 1975. Refusant de passer l'agrégation de mathématiques, il préfère se consacrer à la recherche en mathématiques appliquées et obtient son doctorat, dirigé par Haïm Brézis, en 1979 à l'Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. De 1979 à 1981, il poursuit ses recherches au CNRS puis devient professeur à l'université de Paris-Dauphine. Pierre-Louis Lions est professeur de mathématiques appliquées à l'École polytechnique depuis 1992 et professeur invité au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers en 2000. Il est nommé professeur au Collège de France en 2002, où il est titulaire de la chaire « Équations aux dérivées partielles et applications ».
Les travaux mathématiques de Pierre-Louis Lions portent sur la théorie des équations différentielles partielles non linéaires. On lui doit notamment un travail conjoint avec M. G. Crandall sur les solutions de viscosité des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi, des avancées sur l'équation de Boltzmann et l'équation de Navier-Stokes, et le très célèbre principe de concentration-compacité. Depuis 2006, les travaux de Pierre-Louis Lions, ainsi que ses cours au Collège de France, portent sur la théorie des jeux à champ moyen qu'il a développée avec Jean-Michel Lasry.
En septembre 2006, il a été nommé membre du Haut conseil de la science et de la technologie.
En 2009, il est nommé président du conseil d'administration de l'École normale supérieure en remplacement du conseiller d'État Jean-Claude Mallet.
Il a encadré de nombreuses thèses dont celle de Cédric Villani, lauréat de la médaille Fields en 2010.[-]
Pierre-Louis LIONS a participé au mois thématique 2013 au CIRM consacré aux probabilités.
Médaille Fields 1994, Pierre-Louis LIONS est le fils du mathématicien Jacques-Louis Lions. Reçu major à Polytechnique et à l'ENS, Pierre-Louis Lions entre à l'École normale supérieure (Paris) en 1975. Refusant de passer l'agrégation de mathématiques, il préfère se consacrer à la recherche en mathématiques appliquées et obtient son doctorat, dirigé par Haïm ...[+]

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