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Documents 37D20 19 results

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A perspective on the The Fibonacci trace map - Damanik, David (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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In this talk we explain how the Fibonacci trace map arises from the Fibonacci substitution and leads to a unified framework in which a variety of models can be studied. We discuss the associated foliations, hyperbolic sets, stable and unstable manifolds, and how the intersections of the stable manifolds with the model-dependent curve of initial conditions allow one to translate dynamical into spectral results.

81Q10 ; 81Q35 ; 37D20 ; 37D50

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In the 80's, D. Ruelle, D. Bowen and others have introduced probabilistic and spectral methods in order to study deterministic chaos (”Ruelle resonances”). For a geodesic flow on a strictly negative curvature Riemannian manifold, following this approach and use of microlocal analysis, one obtains that long time fluctuations of classical probabilities are described by an effective quantum wave equation. This may be surprising because there is no added quantization procedure. We will discuss consequences for the zeros of dynamical zeta functions. This shows that the problematic of classical chaos and quantum chaos are closely related. Joint work with Masato Tsujii.[-]
In the 80's, D. Ruelle, D. Bowen and others have introduced probabilistic and spectral methods in order to study deterministic chaos (”Ruelle resonances”). For a geodesic flow on a strictly negative curvature Riemannian manifold, following this approach and use of microlocal analysis, one obtains that long time fluctuations of classical probabilities are described by an effective quantum wave equation. This may be surprising because there is no ...[+]

37D20 ; 37D35 ; 81Q50 ; 81S10

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Transfer operators for Anosov flows - lecture 3 - Tsuijii, Masato (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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We present a functional-analytic approach to the study of transfer operators for Anosov flows. To study transfer operators, a basic idea in semi-classical analysis suggests to look at the action of the flow on the cotangent bundle. Though this idea is simple and intuitive (as we will explain in the lectures), we need some framework to make it work. In the lectures, we present such a framework based on a wave-packet transform.

37D20 ; 37C30

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Linear and fractional response: a survey - Baladi, Viviane (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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When a dynamical system admitting a natural (SRB) measure is perturbed, it is natural to ask how the SRB measure responds to the perturbation. In the tamest cases, this response is linear, and the derivative of the SRB measure with respect to the parameter can be expressed as a sum of decorrelations (involving the derivative of the system with respect to the parameter). In more subtle situations - for example, systems with bifurcations, or observables with singularities - the SRB measure may be a Hölder function of the parameter. This talk will present a panorama of results about linear and fractional response.[-]
When a dynamical system admitting a natural (SRB) measure is perturbed, it is natural to ask how the SRB measure responds to the perturbation. In the tamest cases, this response is linear, and the derivative of the SRB measure with respect to the parameter can be expressed as a sum of decorrelations (involving the derivative of the system with respect to the parameter). In more subtle situations - for example, systems with bifurcations, or ...[+]


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$Let (X,T)$ be a dynamical system preserving a probability measure $\mu $. A concentration inequality quantifies how small is the probability for $F(x,Tx,\ldots,T^{n-1}x)$ to deviate from $\int F(x,Tx,\ldots,T^{n-1}x) \mathrm{d}\mu(x)$ by an given amount $u$, where $F:X^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is supposed to be separately Lipschitz. The bound on that probability involves a constant $C$ depending only on the dynamical system (thus independent of $n$), and $\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \mathrm{Lip}_i(F)^2$. In the best situation, the bound is $\exp(-C u^2/\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \mathrm{Lip}_i(F)^2)$.
After explaining how to get such a bound for independent random variables, I will show how to prove it for a Gibbs measure on a shift of finite type with a Lipschitz potential, and present examples of functions $F$ to which one can apply the inequality. Finally, I will survey some results obtained for nonuniformly hyperbolic systems modeled by Young towers.[-]
$Let (X,T)$ be a dynamical system preserving a probability measure $\mu $. A concentration inequality quantifies how small is the probability for $F(x,Tx,\ldots,T^{n-1}x)$ to deviate from $\int F(x,Tx,\ldots,T^{n-1}x) \mathrm{d}\mu(x)$ by an given amount $u$, where $F:X^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is supposed to be separately Lipschitz. The bound on that probability involves a constant $C$ depending only on the dynamical system (thus independent of $n$), ...[+]

37D20 ; 37D25 ; 37A50

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In this talk, we will discuss various growth rates associated to Anosov flows and their covers. The topological entropy of an Anosov flow on a compact manifold is realised as the exponential growth rate of its periodic orbits. If we pass to a regular cover of the manifold then we can consider a corresponding growth rate for the lifted flow. This growth is bounded above by the topological entropy but if the cover is infinite then the growth rate may be strictly smaller. For abelian covers, this phenomenon admits a precise description in terms of a variational principle. More recent work, joint with Rhiannon Dougall, considers more general infinite covers.[-]
In this talk, we will discuss various growth rates associated to Anosov flows and their covers. The topological entropy of an Anosov flow on a compact manifold is realised as the exponential growth rate of its periodic orbits. If we pass to a regular cover of the manifold then we can consider a corresponding growth rate for the lifted flow. This growth is bounded above by the topological entropy but if the cover is infinite then the growth rate ...[+]

37D20 ; 37D35 ; 37D40 ; 37B40

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Anosov flows in 3 dimensions and Anosov-like actions - Part 2 - Mann, Kathryn (Author of the conference) ; Barthelmé, Thomas (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated planes, which form a rich class of discrete dynamical systems including but not limited to the orbit space actions from flows.[-]
A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated ...[+]

37D40 ; 57S25 ; 37B05 ; 37C10 ; 37C27 ; 37D20

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Anosov flows in 3 dimensions and Anosov-like actions - Part 1 - Mann, Kathryn (Author of the conference) ; Barthelmé, Thomas (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated planes, which form a rich class of discrete dynamical systems including but not limited to the orbit space actions from flows.[-]
A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated ...[+]

37D40 ; 57S25 ; 37B05 ; 37C10 ; 37C27 ; 37D20

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Anosov flows in 3 dimensions and Anosov-like actions - Part 3 - Mann, Kathryn (Author of the conference) ; Barthelmé, Thomas (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated planes, which form a rich class of discrete dynamical systems including but not limited to the orbit space actions from flows.[-]
A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated ...[+]

37D40 ; 57S25 ; 37B05 ; 37C10 ; 37C27 ; 37D20

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A microlocal toolbox for hyperbolic dynamics - Dyatlov, Semyon (Author of the conference) | CIRM H


I will discuss recent applications of microlocal analysis to the study of hyperbolic flows, including geodesic flows on negatively curved manifolds. The key idea is to view the equation $(X + \lambda)u = f$ , where $X$ is the generator of the flow, as a scattering problem. The role of spatial infinity is taken by the infinity in the frequency space. We will concentrate on the case of noncompact manifolds, featuring a delicate interplay between shift to higher frequencies and escaping in the physical space. I will show meromorphic continuation of the resolvent of $X$; the poles, known as Pollicott-Ruelle resonances, describe exponential decay of correlations. As an application, I will prove that the Ruelle zeta function continues meromorphically for flows on non-compact manifolds (the compact case, known as Smale's conjecture, was recently settled by Giulietti-Liverani- Pollicott and a simple microlocal proof was given by Zworski and the speaker). Joint work with Colin Guillarmou.[-]
I will discuss recent applications of microlocal analysis to the study of hyperbolic flows, including geodesic flows on negatively curved manifolds. The key idea is to view the equation $(X + \lambda)u = f$ , where $X$ is the generator of the flow, as a scattering problem. The role of spatial infinity is taken by the infinity in the frequency space. We will concentrate on the case of noncompact manifolds, featuring a delicate interplay between ...[+]

37D50 ; 53D25 ; 37D20 ; 35B34 ; 35P25

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