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Documents Shelah, Saharon 1 résultats

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Categoricity of atomic classes in small cardinals, in ZFC - Shelah, Saharon (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H


An atomic class $K$ is the class of atomic first order models of a countable first order theory (assuming there are such models). Under the weak $\mathrm{GCH}$ it had been proved that if such class is categorical in every $\aleph_n$ then it is categorical in every cardinal and is so called excellent. There are results when we assume categoricity for $\aleph_1, \ldots, \aleph_n$. The lecture is on a ZFC result in this direction for $n=1$. More specifically, if $K$ is categorical in $\aleph_1$ and has a model of cardinality $>2^{\aleph_0}$, then it is $\aleph_0$-stable, which implies having stable amalgamation, and is the first case of excellence.
This a work in preparation by J.T. Baldwin, M.C. Laskowski and S. Shelah.[-]
An atomic class $K$ is the class of atomic first order models of a countable first order theory (assuming there are such models). Under the weak $\mathrm{GCH}$ it had been proved that if such class is categorical in every $\aleph_n$ then it is categorical in every cardinal and is so called excellent. There are results when we assume categoricity for $\aleph_1, \ldots, \aleph_n$. The lecture is on a ZFC result in this direction for $n=1$. More ...[+]


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