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Documents Zeitouni, Ofer 3 résultats

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On determinants of random matrices - Zeitouni, Ofer (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H


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Freezing and decorated Poisson point processes - Zeitouni, Ofer (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H


The freezing in the title refers to a property of point processes: let $\left ( X_i \right )_{i\geq 1}$ denote a point process which is locally finite and has finite maximum. For a function f continuous of compact support, define $Z_f=f\left ( X_1 \right )+f\left ( X_2 \right )+....$ We say that freezing occurs if the Laplace transform of $Z_f$ depends on f only through a shift. I will discuss this notion and its equivalence with other properties of the point process. In particular, such freezing occurs for the extremal process in branching random walks and in certain versions of the (discrete) two dimensional GFF.
Joint work with Eliran Subag[-]
The freezing in the title refers to a property of point processes: let $\left ( X_i \right )_{i\geq 1}$ denote a point process which is locally finite and has finite maximum. For a function f continuous of compact support, define $Z_f=f\left ( X_1 \right )+f\left ( X_2 \right )+....$ We say that freezing occurs if the Laplace transform of $Z_f$ depends on f only through a shift. I will discuss this notion and its equivalence with other ...[+]

60G55 ; 60J65 ; 60J80

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The structure of thick points of the GFF dominate the structure of the (subcritical) multiplicative chaos constructed from it. We will discuss how they also control heat kernel estimates for Liouville Brownian motion (obtained by time changing a planar Brownian motion in function of a subcritical Gaussian multiplicative chaos).
Joint work with Pascal Maillard, Remi Rhodes, Vincent Vargas

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