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Documents 17B68 4 résultats

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Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces - Negut, Andrei (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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​We give a geometric representation theory proof of a mild version of the Beauville-Voisin Conjecture for Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces, namely the injectivity of the cycle map restricted to the subring of Chow generated by tautological classes. Although other geometric proofs of this result are known, our approach involves lifting formulas of Lehn and Li-Qin-Wang from cohomology to Chow, and using them to quickly solve the problem by invoking the irreducibility criteria of Virasoro algebra modules, due to Feigin-Fuchs. Joint work with Davesh Maulik.[-]
​We give a geometric representation theory proof of a mild version of the Beauville-Voisin Conjecture for Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces, namely the injectivity of the cycle map restricted to the subring of Chow generated by tautological classes. Although other geometric proofs of this result are known, our approach involves lifting formulas of Lehn and Li-Qin-Wang from cohomology to Chow, and using them to quickly solve the problem by invoking ...[+]

14C15 ; 14J28 ; 32J27 ; 17B68

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We explain how to use a Virasoro algebra to construct a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation acting in the tensor square of the cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of points on a generalsurface $S$. In the special case where the surface $S$ is $C^2$, the construction appears in work of Maulik and Okounkov on the quantum cohomology of symplectic resolutions and recovers their $R$-matrix constructed using stable envelopes.

17B62 ; 17B68 ; 17B05 ; 17B37

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Conformal bootstrap in Liouville theory - Vargas, Vincent (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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Liouville conformal field theory (LCFT) was introduced by Polyakov in 1981 as an essential ingredient in his path integral construction of string theory. Since then Liouville theory has appeared in a wide variety of contexts ranging from random conformal geometry to 4d Yang-Mills theory with supersymmetry.
Recently, a probabilistic construction of LCFT on general Riemann surfaces was provided using the 2d Gaussian Free Field. This construction can be seen as a rigorous construction of the 2d path integral introduced in Polyakov's 1981 work. In contrast to this construction, modern conformal field theory is based on representation theory and the so-called bootstrap procedure (based on recursive techniques) introduced in 1984 by Belavin-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov. In particular, a bootstrap construction for LCFT has been proposed in the mid 90's by Dorn-Otto-Zamolodchikov-Zamolodchikov (DOZZ) on the sphere. The aim of this talk is to review a recent series of work which shows the equivalence between the probabilistic construction and the bootstrap construction of LCFT on general Riemann surfaces. In particular, the equivalence is based on showing that LCFT satisfies a set of natural geometric axioms known as Segal's axioms.
Based on joint works with F. David, C. Guillarmou, A. Kupiainen, R. Rhodes.[-]
Liouville conformal field theory (LCFT) was introduced by Polyakov in 1981 as an essential ingredient in his path integral construction of string theory. Since then Liouville theory has appeared in a wide variety of contexts ranging from random conformal geometry to 4d Yang-Mills theory with supersymmetry.
Recently, a probabilistic construction of LCFT on general Riemann surfaces was provided using the 2d Gaussian Free Field. This construction ...[+]

60D99 ; 81T40 ; 47D08 ; 37K15 ; 81U20 ; 17B68

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Liouville CFT is a conformal field theory developped in the early 80s in physics, it describes random surfaces and more precisely random Riemannian metrics on surfaces. We will explain, using the Gaussian multiplicative chaos, how to associate to each surface $\Sigma$ with boundary an amplitude, which is an $L^2$ function on the space of fields on the boundary of $\Sigma$ (i.e. the Sobolev space $H^{-s}(\mathbb{S}^1)^b$ equipped with a Gaussian measure, if the boundary of $\Sigma$ has $b$ connected components), and then how these amplitudes compose under gluing of surfaces along their boundary (the so-called Segal axioms).
This allows us to give formulas for all partition and correlation functions of the Liouville CFT in terms of $3$ point correlation functions on the Riemann sphere (DOZZ formula) and the conformal blocks, which are holomorphic functions of the moduli of the space of Riemann surfaces with marked points. This gives a link between the probabilistic approach and the representation theory approach for CFTs, and a mathematical construction and resolution of an important non-rational conformal field theory.
This is joint work with A. Kupiainen, R. Rhodes and V. Vargas. [-]
Liouville CFT is a conformal field theory developped in the early 80s in physics, it describes random surfaces and more precisely random Riemannian metrics on surfaces. We will explain, using the Gaussian multiplicative chaos, how to associate to each surface $\Sigma$ with boundary an amplitude, which is an $L^2$ function on the space of fields on the boundary of $\Sigma$ (i.e. the Sobolev space $H^{-s}(\mathbb{S}^1)^b$ equipped with a Gaussian ...[+]

60D05 ; 81T80 ; 17B69 ; 81R10 ; 17B68

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