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Documents 37C85 9 résultats

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An element g of an abstract group G is a distortion element if there exists a finite family S in G such that g belongs to the subgroup generated by S and the wordlength of gn (w.r.t. S) grows sublinearly in n. In this talk, we will be interested in the distortion elements of the group of Cr orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the closed interval, for different values of r. In particular, we will present some natural obstructions to distortion (such that the presence of hyperbolic fixed points in C1 regularity and the positivity of the so-called asymptotic distortion in C2 regularity (and higher)), and we will wonder whether they are the only ones.[-]
An element g of an abstract group G is a distortion element if there exists a finite family S in G such that g belongs to the subgroup generated by S and the wordlength of gn (w.r.t. S) grows sublinearly in n. In this talk, we will be interested in the distortion elements of the group of Cr orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the closed interval, for different values of r. In particular, we will present some natural obstructions to ...[+]

37C10 ; 37C15 ; 37E05 ; 57M60

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Space of actions of groups on the real line - Deroin, Bertrand (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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In these lectures, we will report on some properties of the space of actions of a left-orderable group on the real line. We will notably describe the almost-periodic actions, the harmonic actions and their spaces.

20F60 ; 22F50 ; 37B05 ; 37E10 ; 57R30

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Margulis-Zimmer's super-rigidity - Lee, Homin (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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We introduce Margulis' and Zimmer's superrigidity. Statements give heuristics in Zimmer program, that is higher rank lattice actions on smooth manifolds. After we state the statement, we mainly focus how it interacts with group actions. Finally, we will also discuss about open questions.

22E40 ; 57M60

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Unlike other similar groups, these groups remained very poorly understood for a long time. I'll review some recent progress in two directions: (non)-simplicity and the existence of quasimorphisms. I'll also give some ideas on the proofs which are based on tools from symplectic topology. This is based on joint works with Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner, Cheuk-Yu Mak, Sobhan Seyfaddini, and Ivan Smith.

53D40 ; 37J06

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Anosov flows in 3 dimensions and Anosov-like actions - Part 2 - Mann, Kathryn (Auteur de la conférence) ; Barthelmé, Thomas (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated planes, which form a rich class of discrete dynamical systems including but not limited to the orbit space actions from flows.[-]
A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated ...[+]

37D40 ; 57S25 ; 37B05 ; 37C10 ; 37C27 ; 37D20

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Anosov flows in 3 dimensions and Anosov-like actions - Part 1 - Mann, Kathryn (Auteur de la conférence) ; Barthelmé, Thomas (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated planes, which form a rich class of discrete dynamical systems including but not limited to the orbit space actions from flows.[-]
A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated ...[+]

37D40 ; 57S25 ; 37B05 ; 37C10 ; 37C27 ; 37D20

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Anosov flows in 3 dimensions and Anosov-like actions - Part 3 - Mann, Kathryn (Auteur de la conférence) ; Barthelmé, Thomas (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated planes, which form a rich class of discrete dynamical systems including but not limited to the orbit space actions from flows.[-]
A (pseudo)-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold can be understood through its orbit space, a bifoliated plane with a natural action of the fundamental group of the manifold. In this minicourse, we will describe techniques to study the dynamics of these orbit space actions as a means to understand the topological theory and the classification of (pseudo)Anosov flows in dimension 3. This leads to a more general theory of 'Anosov-like' actions on bifoliated ...[+]

37D40 ; 57S25 ; 37B05 ; 37C10 ; 37C27 ; 37D20

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A geometric theory of algorithms - Seiller, Thomas (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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In this programmatic talk, we will sketch both a conceptual and formal framework for reasoning about the notion of algorithm. This framework will arise from the analysis we will make of the relationships existing between the notion of algorithm and other similar (but still different) notions, like that of computation and that of program. We will first show that the Turing-Church thesis concerning effective computability is not sufficient to capture the notion of algorithm, as it identifies programs which are intensionally different. We will then show the limits of the existing models of computation in capturing some basic construction processes that we are willing to call algorithmic. In order to solve this problem, we propose a formalisation of the notion of model of computation on the base of which we claim that the notion of algorithm could eventually be analyzed. This approach centered around the dynamics of program execution, reconciles the more mechanical view of computation (such as formalized by Turing machines and automata) with the logical view - as it in particular stems from a generalization of Jean-Yves Girard's Geometry of Interaction programme.[-]
In this programmatic talk, we will sketch both a conceptual and formal framework for reasoning about the notion of algorithm. This framework will arise from the analysis we will make of the relationships existing between the notion of algorithm and other similar (but still different) notions, like that of computation and that of program. We will first show that the Turing-Church thesis concerning effective computability is not sufficient to ...[+]

03B70 ; 03B47 ; 68Q05 ; 68Q10 ; 37N99 ; 00A30

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Irreducible lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher rank are not left-orderable I'll report on the problem of the left orderability of lattices in semi-simple Lie groups, and give some insight of our joint proof with Bertrand Deroin that in rank at least two, an irreducible lattice is not left-orderable. The proof will make use of the tools developed in the minicourse of Bertrand.

20F60 ; 37B05 ; 22F50 ; 37E10 ; 57R30

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