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Documents 90C26 2 résultats

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Geometry and topology of spaces of structured matrices - Needham, Tom (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

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A finite unit norm tight frame (FUNTF) is a spanning set of unit vectors in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space such that the spectrum of singular values of an associated operator is constant. In signal processing applications, it is desirable to use FUNTFs to encode signals, as such representations are proven to be optimally robust to noise. This naturally gives rise to questions about the geometry and topology of the space of FUNTFs. For example, the conjecture that every space of FUNTFs is connected was open for 15 years, and slight variants of this problem still remain open. I will discuss recent work with Clayton Shonkwiler, where we answer several questions about random matrix theory and optimization in spaces of structured matrices, using tools from symplectic geometry and geometric invariant theory.[-]
A finite unit norm tight frame (FUNTF) is a spanning set of unit vectors in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space such that the spectrum of singular values of an associated operator is constant. In signal processing applications, it is desirable to use FUNTFs to encode signals, as such representations are proven to be optimally robust to noise. This naturally gives rise to questions about the geometry and topology of the space of FUNTFs. For ...[+]

42C15 ; 53D20 ; 90C26

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The Burer-Monteiro factorization is a classical heuristic used to speed up the solving of large scale semidefinite programs when the solution is expected to be low rank: One writes the solution as the product of thinner matrices, and optimizes over the (low-dimensional) factors instead of over the full matrix. Even though the factorized problem is non-convex, one observes that standard first-order algorithms can often solve it to global optimality. This has been rigorously proved by Boumal, Voroninski and Bandeira, but only under the assumption that the factorization rank is large enough, larger than what numerical experiments suggest. We will describe this result, and investigate its optimality. More specifically, we will show that, up to a minor improvement, it is optimal: without additional hypotheses on the semidefinite problem at hand, first-order algorithms can fail if the factorization rank is smaller than predicted by current theory.[-]
The Burer-Monteiro factorization is a classical heuristic used to speed up the solving of large scale semidefinite programs when the solution is expected to be low rank: One writes the solution as the product of thinner matrices, and optimizes over the (low-dimensional) factors instead of over the full matrix. Even though the factorized problem is non-convex, one observes that standard first-order algorithms can often solve it to global ...[+]

90C26 ; 90C22 ; 42C40

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