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Documents Hennenfent, Guillaume 2 264 résultats

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Climat et paléoclimat - Paris, Guillaume (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

Le cycle du carbone contribue à la régulation du climat en régissant les teneurs en CO2 atmosphérique et donc en jouant sur l'effet de serre. Cette présentation présente les grandes lignes du cycle du carbone et de l'histoire du climat à la surface de la Terre depuis 65 Ma. Cette mise en contexte permet de comprendre comment les activités humaines génèrent des bouleversements sans précédents dans le fonctionnement du système Terre.


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PDMP et mobilité - Krell, Nathalie (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

Dans un premier temps, j'aborderai la place des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le secteur des transports. Ensuite, je présenterai un projet participatif réalisé à l'aide des capteurs Téléram, visant à mieux comprendre les trajets routiers dans la commune de Châteaubourg. La troisième partie sera consacrée aux processus de Markov déterministes par morceaux, abrégés PDMP. Enfin, je montrerai comment ces PDMP permettent de modéliser les déplacements individuels et, par ce biais, d'essayer de répondre à certains enjeux environnementaux.[-]
Dans un premier temps, j'aborderai la place des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le secteur des transports. Ensuite, je présenterai un projet participatif réalisé à l'aide des capteurs Téléram, visant à mieux comprendre les trajets routiers dans la commune de Châteaubourg. La troisième partie sera consacrée aux processus de Markov déterministes par morceaux, abrégés PDMP. Enfin, je montrerai comment ces PDMP permettent de modéliser les ...[+]

60K10 ; 60J05 ; 62G05

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Tame geometry in quantum field theory and gravity - Grimm, Thomas (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

In the first part of the talk I will sketch how tame geometry results can be of relevance in quantum systems that are described by quantum field theory. I will highlight some mathematical questions that arise in these applications. I will then turn to using tame geometry in quantum gravity, and specifically in string theory, and stress that it is a powerful framework that allows one to address finiteness questions that were posed in these fields.

81-XX ; 83-XX

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A real analytic function can always be continued holomorphically to some domain. However, the holomorphic continuations of definable functions in an o-minimal structure may not be definable. I will present joint work with P. Speissegger in which we study holomorphic continuations of functions definable in two o-minimal expansions of the real field. I will also discuss how to apply these results to the complex Gamma function and Riemann zeta function.[-]
A real analytic function can always be continued holomorphically to some domain. However, the holomorphic continuations of definable functions in an o-minimal structure may not be definable. I will present joint work with P. Speissegger in which we study holomorphic continuations of functions definable in two o-minimal expansions of the real field. I will also discuss how to apply these results to the complex Gamma function and Riemann zeta ...[+]

03C64 ; 32D15 ; 03C40 ; 32B20

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Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #4 - Jones, Nathan (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Single angle

In the 1970s, S. Lang and H. Trotter developed a probabilistic model which led them to their conjectures on distributional aspects of Frobenius in $GL_2$-extensions. These conjectures, which are still open, have been a significant source of stimulation for modern research in arithmetic geometry. The present lectures will provide a detailed exposition of the Lang-Trotter conjectures, as well as a partial survey of some known results.

Various questions in number theory may be viewed in probabilistic terms. For instance, consider the prime number theorem, which states that, as $x\rightarrow \infty$ , one has
$\#\left \{ primes\, p\leq x \right \}\sim \frac{x}{\log x}$
This may be seen as saying that the heuristic "probability" that a number $p$ is prime is about $1/\log p$. This viewpoint immediately predicts the correct order of magnitude for the twin prime conjecture. Indeed, if $p$ and $p+2$ are seen as two randomly chosen numbers of size around $t$, then the probability that they are both prime should be about $1/(\log t)^2$, which predicts that
$\#\left \{ primes\, p\leq x : p+2\, is\, also\, prime \right \}\asymp \int_{2}^{x}\frac{1}{(\log t)^2}dt \sim \frac{x}{\log x}$
In this naive heuristic, the events "$p$  is prime" and "$p+2$ is prime" have been treated as independent, which they are not (for instance their reductions modulo 2 are certainly not independent). Using more careful probabilistic reasoning, one can correct this and arrive at the precise conjecture
$\#\left \{ primes\, p\leq x : p+2\, is\, also\, prime \right \} \sim C_{twin}\frac{x}{(\log x)^2}$,
where $C_{twin}$  is the constant of Hardy-Littlewood.
In these lectures, we will use probabilistic considerations to study statistics of data attached to elliptic curves. Specifically, fix an elliptic curve $E$  over $\mathbb{Q}$ of conductor $N_E$. For a prime $p$ of good reduction, theFrobenius trace $a_p(E)$ and Weil $p$-root $\pi _p(E)\in \mathbb{C}$ satisfy the relations
$X^2-a_p(E)X+p=(X-\pi _p(E))(X-\overline{ \pi _p(E)})$.
Because of their connection via the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture to ranks of elliptic curves (amongother reasons), there is general interest in understanding the statistical variation of the numbers $a_p(E)$ and $\pi_p(E)$, as $p$ varies over primes of good reduction for E. In their 1976 monograph, Lang and Trotter considered the following two fundamental counting functions:
$\pi_{E,r}(x) :=\#\left \{ primes\: p\leq x:p \nmid N_E, a_p(E)=r \right \}$
$\pi_{E,K}(x) :=\#\left \{ primes\: p\leq x:p \nmid N_E, \mathbb{Q}(\pi_p(E))=K \right \}$,
where $ r \in \mathbb{Z}$ is a fixed integer, $K$ is a fixed imaginary quadratic field. We will discuss their probabilistic model, which incorporates both the Chebotarev theorem for the division fields of $E$ and the Sato-Tatedistribution, leading to the precise (conjectural) asymptotic formulas
(1) $\pi_{E,r}(x)\sim C_{E,r}\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log x}$
$\pi_{E,K}(x)\sim C_{E,K}\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log x}$,
with explicit constants$C_{E,r}\geq 0$ and $C_{E,K} > 0$. We will also discuss heuristics leading to the conjectureof Koblitz on the primality of $\#E( \mathbb{F}_p)$, and of Jones, which combines these with the model of Lang-Trotter for $\pi_{E,r}(x)$ in order to count amicable pairs and aliquot cycles for elliptic curves as introduced by Silvermanand Stange.
The above-mentioned conjectures are all open, although (in addition to the bounds mentioned in the previous section) there are various average results which give evidence of their validity. For instance, let $R\geq 1$ and $S\geq 1$be an arbitrary positive length andwidth, respectively, and define
$\mathcal{F}(R,S):= \{ E_{r,s}:(r,s)\in \mathbb{Z}^2,-16(4r^3+27s^2)\neq 0, \left | r \right |\leq R\: $ and $\left | s \right | \leq S \}$,
where $E_{r,s}$ denotes the curve with equation $y^2=x^3+rx=s$. The work of Fouvry and Murty $(r=0)$, and of David and Pappalardi $(r\neq 0)$, shows that, provided min $\left \{ R(x), S(x) \right \}\geq x^{1+\varepsilon }$, one has
(2) $\frac{1}{\left |\mathcal{F}(R(x),S(x)) \right |} \sum_{E\in \mathcal{F}(R(x),S(x))} \pi_{E,r}(x) \sim C_r \frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log x}$
where $C_r$ is a constant. We will survey this and other theorems on average, and then discuss the nature of the associated constants $C_{E,r},C_{E,K}$ etc. We will discuss the statistical variation of these constants as $E$ varies over all elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$, and use this to confirm the consistency of (2) with (1), on the level of the constants

Keywords : Galois representation - elliptic curve - trace of Frobenius - Chebotarev density theorem - Sato-Tate conjecture - Lang-Trotter conjecture[-]
In the 1970s, S. Lang and H. Trotter developed a probabilistic model which led them to their conjectures on distributional aspects of Frobenius in $GL_2$-extensions. These conjectures, which are still open, have been a significant source of stimulation for modern research in arithmetic geometry. The present lectures will provide a detailed exposition of the Lang-Trotter conjectures, as well as a partial survey of some known results.

Various ...[+]

11G05 ; 11R44

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Recently, an important research activity on mean field games (MFGs for short) has been initiated by the pioneering works of Lasry and Lions: it aims at studying the asymptotic behavior of stochastic differential games (Nash equilibria) as the number $n$ of agents tends to infinity. The field is now rapidly growing in several directions, including stochastic optimal control, analysis of PDEs, calculus of variations, numerical analysis and computing, and the potential applications to economics and social sciences are numerous.
In the limit when $n \to +\infty$, a given agent feels the presence of the others through the statistical distribution of the states. Assuming that the perturbations of a single agent's strategy does not influence the statistical states distribution, the latter acts as a parameter in the control problem to be solved by each agent. When the dynamics of the agents are independent stochastic processes, MFGs naturally lead to a coupled system of two partial differential equations (PDEs for short), a forward Fokker-Planck equation and a backward Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation.
The latter system of PDEs has closed form solutions in very few cases only. Therefore, numerical simulation are crucial in order to address applications. The present mini-course will be devoted to numerical methods that can be used to approximate the systems of PDEs.
The numerical schemes that will be presented rely basically on monotone approximations of the Hamiltonian and on a suitable weak formulation of the Fokker-Planck equation.
These schemes have several important features:

- The discrete problem has the same structure as the continous one, so existence, energy estimates, and possibly uniqueness can be obtained with the same kind of arguments

- Monotonicity guarantees the stability of the scheme: it is robust in the deterministic limit

- convergence to classical or weak solutions can be proved

Finally, there are particular cases named variational MFGS in which the system of PDEs can be seen as the optimality conditions of some optimal control problem driven by a PDE. In such cases, augmented Lagrangian methods can be used for solving the discrete nonlinear system. The mini-course will be orgamized as follows

1. Introduction to the system of PDEs and its interpretation. Uniqueness of classical solutions.

2. Monotone finite difference schemes

3. Examples of applications

4. Variational MFG and related algorithms for solving the discrete system of nonlinear equations[-]
Recently, an important research activity on mean field games (MFGs for short) has been initiated by the pioneering works of Lasry and Lions: it aims at studying the asymptotic behavior of stochastic differential games (Nash equilibria) as the number $n$ of agents tends to infinity. The field is now rapidly growing in several directions, including stochastic optimal control, analysis of PDEs, calculus of variations, numerical analysis and ...[+]

49K20 ; 49N70 ; 35F21 ; 35K40 ; 35K55 ; 35Q84 ; 65K10 ; 65M06 ; 65M12 ; 91A23 ; 91A15

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Bounded remainder sets for a dynamical system are sets for which the Birkhoff averages of return times differ from the expected values by at most a constant amount. These sets are rare and important objects which have been studied for over 100 years. In the last few years there have been a number of results which culminated in explicit constructions of bounded remainder sets for toral rotations in any dimension, of all possible allowable volumes. In this talk we are going to explain these results, and then explain how to generalize them to give explicit constructions of bounded remainder sets for rotations in $p$-adic solenoids. Our method of proof will make use of a natural dynamical encoding of patterns in non-Archimedean cut and project sets.[-]
Bounded remainder sets for a dynamical system are sets for which the Birkhoff averages of return times differ from the expected values by at most a constant amount. These sets are rare and important objects which have been studied for over 100 years. In the last few years there have been a number of results which culminated in explicit constructions of bounded remainder sets for toral rotations in any dimension, of all possible allowable ...[+]

11K06 ; 11K38 ; 11J71

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Le calcul tensoriel sur les variétés différentielles comprend l'arithmétique des champs tensoriels, le produit tensoriel, les contractions, la symétrisation et l'antisymétrisation, la dérivée de Lie le long d'un champ vectoriel, le transport par une application différentiable (pullback et pushforward), mais aussi les opérations intrinsèques aux formes différentielles (produit intérieur, produit extérieur et dérivée extérieure). On ajoutera également toutes les opérations sur les variétés pseudo-riemanniennes (variétés dotées d'un tenseur métrique) : connexion de Levi-Civita, courbure, géodésiques, isomorphismes musicaux et dualité de Hodge.Dans ce cours, nous introduirons tout d'abord la problématique du calcul tensoriel formel, en distinguant le calcul dit “abstrait” du calcul explicite. C'est ce dernier qui nous intéresse ici. Il se ramène in fine au calcul symbolique sur les composantes des champs tensoriels dans un champ de repères, ces composantes étant exprimées en termes des coordonnées d'une carte donnée.
Nous discuterons alors d'une méthode de calcul tensoriel générale, valable sur l'intégralité d'une variété donnée, sans que l'utilisateur ait à préciser dans quels champs de repères et avec quelles cartes doit s'effectuer le calcul. Cela suppose que la variété soit couverte par un atlas minimal, défini carte par carte par l'utilisateur, et soit décomposée en parties parallélisables, i.e. en ouverts couverts par un champ de repères. Ces contraintes étant satisfaites, un nombre arbitraire de cartes et de champs de repères peuvent être introduits, pourvu qu'ils soient accompagnés des fonctions de transition correspondantes.
Nous décrirons l'implémentation concrète de cette méthode dans SageMath ; elle utilise fortement la structure de dictionnaire du langage Python, ainsi que le schéma parent/élément de SageMath et le modèle de coercition associé. La méthode est indépendante du moteur de calcul formel utilisé pour l'expression symbolique des composantes tensorielles dans une carte. Nous présenterons la mise en œuvre via deux moteurs de calcul formel différents : Pynac/Maxima (le défaut dans SageMath) et SymPy. Différents champs d'application seront discutés, notamment la relativité générale et ses extensions.[-]
Le calcul tensoriel sur les variétés différentielles comprend l'arithmétique des champs tensoriels, le produit tensoriel, les contractions, la symétrisation et l'antisymétrisation, la dérivée de Lie le long d'un champ vectoriel, le transport par une application différentiable (pullback et pushforward), mais aussi les opérations intrinsèques aux formes différentielles (produit intérieur, produit extérieur et dérivée extérieure). On ajoutera ...[+]

53-04 ; 53Axx ; 58C25 ; 68N01 ; 68N15 ; 68U05

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Stochastic solutions of 2D fluids​ - Flandoli, Franco (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

We revise recent contributions to 2D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations with and without noise, but always in the case of stochastic solutions. The role of white noise initial conditions will be stressed and related to some questions about turbulence.

35Q30 ; 35Q31 ; 60H15 ; 60H40

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Model assessment, selection and averaging - Vehtari, Aki (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

The tutorial covers cross-validation, and projection predictive approaches for model assessment, selection and inference after model selection and Bayesian stacking for model averaging. The talk is accompanied with R notebooks using rstanarm, bayesplot, loo, and projpred packages.

62C10 ; 62F15 ; 65C60 ; 62M20

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