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Documents 14G40 11 résultats

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Equidistribution of roots of unity and the Mahler measure - Habegger, Philipp (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H


Roots of unity of order dividing $n$ equidistribute around the unit circle as $n$ tends to infinity. With some extraeffort the same can be shown when restricting to roots of unity of exact order $n$. Equidistribution is measured by comparing the average of a continuous test function evaluated at these roots of unity with the integral over the complex unit circle. Baker, Ih, and Rumely extended this to test function with logarithmic singularities of the form $\log|P|$ where $P$ is a univariate polynomial in algebraic coefficients. I will discuss joint work with Vesselin Dimitrov where we allow $P$ to come from a class of a multivariate polynomials, extending a result of Lind, Schmidt, and Verbitskiy. Our method draws from earlier work of Duke.[-]
Roots of unity of order dividing $n$ equidistribute around the unit circle as $n$ tends to infinity. With some extraeffort the same can be shown when restricting to roots of unity of exact order $n$. Equidistribution is measured by comparing the average of a continuous test function evaluated at these roots of unity with the integral over the complex unit circle. Baker, Ih, and Rumely extended this to test function with logarithmic singularities ...[+]

11J83 ; 11R06 ; 14G40 ; 37A45 ; 37P30

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We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some analogues over number fields.[-]
We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some ...[+]


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We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some analogues over number fields.[-]
We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some ...[+]


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A new Northcott property for Faltings height - Mocz, Lucia (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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The Faltings height is a useful invariant for addressing questions in arithmetic geometry. In his celebrated proof of the Mordell and Shafarevich conjectures, Faltings shows the Faltings height satisfies a certain Northcott property, which allows him to deduce his finiteness statements. In this work we prove a new Northcott property for the Faltings height. Namely we show, assuming the Colmez Conjecture and the Artin Conjecture, that there are finitely many CM abelian varieties of a fixed dimension which have bounded Faltings height. The technique developed uses new tools from integral p-adic Hodge theory to study the variation of Faltings height within an isogeny class of CM abelian varieties. In special cases, we are able to use these techniques to moreover develop new Colmez-type formulas for the Faltings height.[-]
The Faltings height is a useful invariant for addressing questions in arithmetic geometry. In his celebrated proof of the Mordell and Shafarevich conjectures, Faltings shows the Faltings height satisfies a certain Northcott property, which allows him to deduce his finiteness statements. In this work we prove a new Northcott property for the Faltings height. Namely we show, assuming the Colmez Conjecture and the Artin Conjecture, that there are ...[+]

14G40 ; 11G50 ; 11R04 ; 12F05

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We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some analogues over number fields.[-]
We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some ...[+]


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We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some analogues over number fields.[-]
We will explain some results about the arithmetic structure of algebraic points over a variety defined over a function fields in one variable. In particular we will introduce the weak and strong Vojta conjectures and explain some consequences of them. We will expose some recent developments on the subject : Curves, Varieties with ample cotangent bundle, curves in positive characteirstic, hypersurfaces.... If there is time we will explain some ...[+]


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Shimura curves and bounds for the $abc$ conjecture - Pasten, Hector (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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I will explain some new connections between the $abc$ conjecture and modular forms. In particular, I will outline a proof of a new unconditional estimate for the $abc$ conjecture, which lies beyond the existing techniques in this context. The proof involves a number of tools such as Shimura curves, CM points, analytic number theory, and Arakelov geometry. It also requires some intermediate results of independent interest, such as bounds for the Manin constant beyond the semi-stable case. If time permits, I will also explain some results towards Szpiro's conjecture over totally real number fields which are compatible with the discriminant term appearing in Vojta's conjecture for algebraic points of bounded degree.[-]
I will explain some new connections between the $abc$ conjecture and modular forms. In particular, I will outline a proof of a new unconditional estimate for the $abc$ conjecture, which lies beyond the existing techniques in this context. The proof involves a number of tools such as Shimura curves, CM points, analytic number theory, and Arakelov geometry. It also requires some intermediate results of independent interest, such as bounds for the ...[+]

11G18 ; 11F11 ; 11G05 ; 14G40

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Regulators of elliptic curves - Pazuki, Fabien (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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In a recent collaboration with Pascal Autissier and Marc Hindry, we prove that up to isomorphisms, there are at most finitely many elliptic curves defined over a fixed number field, with Mordell-Weil rank and regulator bounded from above, and rank at least 4.

11G50 ; 14G40

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Arithmetic and algebraic hyperbolicity - Javanpeykar, Ariyan (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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The Green–Griffiths–Lang–Vojta conjectures relate the hyperbolicity of an algebraic variety to the finiteness of sets of “rational points”. For instance, it suggests a striking answer to the fundamental question “Why do some polynomial equations with integer coefficients have only finitely many solutions in the integers?”. Namely, if the zeroes of such a system define a hyperbolic variety, then this system should have only finitely many integer solutions.
In this talk I will explain how to verify some of the algebraic, analytic, and arithmetic predictions this conjecture makes. I will present results that are joint work with Ljudmila Kamenova.[-]
The Green–Griffiths–Lang–Vojta conjectures relate the hyperbolicity of an algebraic variety to the finiteness of sets of “rational points”. For instance, it suggests a striking answer to the fundamental question “Why do some polynomial equations with integer coefficients have only finitely many solutions in the integers?”. Namely, if the zeroes of such a system define a hyperbolic variety, then this system should have only finitely many integer ...[+]

14G05 ; 32Q45 ; 14G40

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Gilles Lachaud: friend and mathematician - Tsfasman, Michael (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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