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Documents 57M60 3 résultats

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Margulis-Zimmer's super-rigidity - Lee, Homin (Auteur de la Conférence) | H

Multi angle

We introduce Margulis' and Zimmer's superrigidity. Statements give heuristics in Zimmer program, that is higher rank lattice actions on smooth manifolds. After we state the statement, we mainly focus how it interacts with group actions. Finally, we will also discuss about open questions.

22E40 ; 57M60

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Fine curve graphs and surface homeomorphisms - Hensel, Sebastian (Auteur de la Conférence) | H

Multi angle

The curve graph is a well-studied and useful tool to study 3-manifolds and mapping class groups of surfaces. The fine curve graph is a recent variant on which the full homeomorphism group of a surface acts in an interesting way. In this talk we discuss some recent results which highlight behaviour not encountered in the 'classical' curve graph. In particular, we will discuss the first entries in a dictionary between properties from surface dynamics and geometric properties of the action (and, while doing so, construct homeomorphisms acting parabolically). This is joint work with Jonathan Bowden, Katie Mann, Emmanuel Militon and Richard Webb.[-]
The curve graph is a well-studied and useful tool to study 3-manifolds and mapping class groups of surfaces. The fine curve graph is a recent variant on which the full homeomorphism group of a surface acts in an interesting way. In this talk we discuss some recent results which highlight behaviour not encountered in the 'classical' curve graph. In particular, we will discuss the first entries in a dictionary between properties from surface ...[+]

37E30 ; 37E45 ; 57M60

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Given a finite-type surface, there are two important objects naturally associated to it. The first is the mapping class group and the second is the curve graph, which the mapping class group acts on via isometries. This action is well understood and has been extremely useful in understanding the algebraic and geometric properties of mapping class groups. For instance, the elements acting loxodromically on the curve graph and precisely the pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms. In this talk I'll discuss recent joint work with Carolyn Abbott and Nicholas Miller as well as a project with Sam Taylor regarding infinite-type mapping classes that act as loxodromic isometries on graphs associated to infinite-type surfaces. The aim of these projects is to work towards a Nielsen-Thurston type classification of mapping classes for infinite-type surfaces to understand which homeomorphisms are the generalizations of pseudo-Anosovs is in this setting.[-]
Given a finite-type surface, there are two important objects naturally associated to it. The first is the mapping class group and the second is the curve graph, which the mapping class group acts on via isometries. This action is well understood and has been extremely useful in understanding the algebraic and geometric properties of mapping class groups. For instance, the elements acting loxodromically on the curve graph and precisely the ...[+]

57K20 ; 20F65 ; 57M60

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