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Attention-based models, such as Transformer, excel across various tasks but lack a comprehensive theoretical understanding, especially regarding token-wise sparsity and internal linear representations. To address this gap, we introduce the single-location regression task, where only one token in a sequence determines the output, and its position is a latent random variable, retrievable via a linear projection of the input. To solve this task, we propose a dedicated predictor, which turns out to be a simplified version of a non-linear self-attention layer. We study its theoretical properties, by showing its asymptotic Bayes optimality and analyzing its training dynamics. In particular, despite the non-convex nature of the problem, the predictor effectively learns the underlying structure. This work highlights the capacity of attention mechanisms to handle sparse token information and internal linear structures.
Attention-based models, such as Transformer, excel across various tasks but lack a comprehensive theoretical understanding, especially regarding token-wise sparsity and internal linear representations. To address this gap, we introduce the single-location regression task, where only one token in a sequence determines the output, and its position is a latent random variable, retrievable via a linear projection of the input. To solve this task, we ...
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Neural networks trained to minimize the logistic (a.k.a. cross-entropy) loss with gradient-based methods are observed to perform well in many supervised classification tasks. Towards understanding this phenomenon, we analyze the training and generalization behavior of infinitely wide two-layer neural networks with homogeneous activations. We show that the limits of the gradient flow on exponentially tailed losses can be fully characterized as a max-margin classifier in a certain non-Hilbertian space of functions.
Neural networks trained to minimize the logistic (a.k.a. cross-entropy) loss with gradient-based methods are observed to perform well in many supervised classification tasks. Towards understanding this phenomenon, we analyze the training and generalization behavior of infinitely wide two-layer neural networks with homogeneous activations. We show that the limits of the gradient flow on exponentially tailed losses can be fully characterized as a ...
65K10 ; 65K05 ; 68W99 ; 68T99
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Machine learning pipelines often rely on optimization procedures to make discrete decisions (e.g. sorting, picking closest neighbors, finding shortest paths or optimal matchings). Although these discrete decisions are easily computed in a forward manner, they cannot be used to modify model parameters using first-order optimization techniques because they break the back-propagation of computational graphs. In order to expand the scope of learning problems that can be solved in an end-to-end fashion, we propose a systematic method to transform a block that outputs an optimal discrete decision into a differentiable operation. Our approach relies on stochastic perturbations of these parameters, and can be used readily within existing solvers without the need for ad hoc regularization or smoothing. These perturbed optimizers yield solutions that are differentiable and never locally constant. The amount of smoothness can be tuned via the chosen noise amplitude, whose impact we analyze. The derivatives of these perturbed solvers can be evaluated eciently. We also show how this framework can be connected to a family of losses developed in structured prediction, and describe how these can be used in unsupervised and supervised learning, with theoretical guarantees.
We demonstrate the performance of our approach on several machine learning tasks in experiments on synthetic and real data.
Machine learning pipelines often rely on optimization procedures to make discrete decisions (e.g. sorting, picking closest neighbors, finding shortest paths or optimal matchings). Although these discrete decisions are easily computed in a forward manner, they cannot be used to modify model parameters using first-order optimization techniques because they break the back-propagation of computational graphs. In order to expand the scope of learning ...
90C06 ; 68W20 ; 62F99
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We are interested in nonsmooth analysis of backpropagation as implemented in modern machine learning librairies, such as Tensorflow or Pytorch. First I will illustrate how blind application of
differential calculus to nonsmooth objects can be problematic, requiring a proper mathematical model.
Then I will introduce a weak notion of generalized derivative, named conservativity, and illustrate how it complies with calculus and optimization for well structured objects. We provide stability results for empirical risk minimization similar as in the smooth setting for the combination of nonsmooth automatic differentiation, minibatch stochastic approximation and first order optimization. This is joint work with Jérôme Bolte.
We are interested in nonsmooth analysis of backpropagation as implemented in modern machine learning librairies, such as Tensorflow or Pytorch. First I will illustrate how blind application of
differential calculus to nonsmooth objects can be problematic, requiring a proper mathematical model.
Then I will introduce a weak notion of generalized derivative, named conservativity, and illustrate how it complies with calculus and optimization for ...
65K05 ; 65K10 ; 68T99
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The Burer-Monteiro factorization is a classical heuristic used to speed up the solving of large scale semidefinite programs when the solution is expected to be low rank: One writes the solution as the product of thinner matrices, and optimizes over the (low-dimensional) factors instead of over the full matrix. Even though the factorized problem is non-convex, one observes that standard first-order algorithms can often solve it to global optimality. This has been rigorously proved by Boumal, Voroninski and Bandeira, but only under the assumption that the factorization rank is large enough, larger than what numerical experiments suggest. We will describe this result, and investigate its optimality. More specifically, we will show that, up to a minor improvement, it is optimal: without additional hypotheses on the semidefinite problem at hand, first-order algorithms can fail if the factorization rank is smaller than predicted by current theory.
The Burer-Monteiro factorization is a classical heuristic used to speed up the solving of large scale semidefinite programs when the solution is expected to be low rank: One writes the solution as the product of thinner matrices, and optimizes over the (low-dimensional) factors instead of over the full matrix. Even though the factorized problem is non-convex, one observes that standard first-order algorithms can often solve it to global ...
90C26 ; 90C22 ; 42C40
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First-order non-convex optimization is at the heart of neural networks training. Recent analyses showed that the Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition is particularly well-suited to analyze the convergence of the training error for these architectures. In this short presentation, I will propose extensions of this condition that allows for more flexibility and application scenarios, and show how stochastic gradient descent converges under these conditions. Then, I will show how to use these conditions to prove the convergence of the test error for simple deep learning architectures in an online setting.
First-order non-convex optimization is at the heart of neural networks training. Recent analyses showed that the Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition is particularly well-suited to analyze the convergence of the training error for these architectures. In this short presentation, I will propose extensions of this condition that allows for more flexibility and application scenarios, and show how stochastic gradient descent converges under these c...
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Many of us use smartphones and rely on tools like auto-complete and spelling auto-correct to make using these devices more pleasant, but building these tools presents a challenge. On the one hand, the machine-learning algorithms used to provide these features require data to learn from, but on the other hand, who among us is willing to send a carbon copy of all our text messages to device manufacturers to provide that data? 'Local differential privacy' and related concepts have emerged as the gold standard model in which to analyze tradeoffs between losses in utility and privacy for solutions to such problems. In this talk, we give a new state-of-the-art algorithm for estimating histograms of user data, making use of projective geometry over finite fields coupled with a reconstruction algorithm based on dynamic programming.
This talk is based on joint work with Vitaly Feldman (Apple), Huy Le Nguyen (Northeastern), and Kunal Talwar (Apple).
Many of us use smartphones and rely on tools like auto-complete and spelling auto-correct to make using these devices more pleasant, but building these tools presents a challenge. On the one hand, the machine-learning algorithms used to provide these features require data to learn from, but on the other hand, who among us is willing to send a carbon copy of all our text messages to device manufacturers to provide that data? 'Local differential ...
68Q25 ; 68W20
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We present a list of counterexamples to conjectures in smooth convex coercive optimization. We will detail two extensions of the gradient descent method, of interest in machine learning: gradient descent with exact line search, and Bregman descent (also known as mirror descent). We show that both are non convergent in general. These examples are based on general smooth convex interpolation results. Given a decreasing sequence of convex compact sets in the plane, whose boundaries are Ck curves (k ¿ 1, arbitrary) with positive curvature, there exists a Ck convex function for which each set of the sequence is a sublevel set. The talk will provide proof arguments for this results and detail how it can be used to construct the anounced counterexamples.
We present a list of counterexamples to conjectures in smooth convex coercive optimization. We will detail two extensions of the gradient descent method, of interest in machine learning: gradient descent with exact line search, and Bregman descent (also known as mirror descent). We show that both are non convergent in general. These examples are based on general smooth convex interpolation results. Given a decreasing sequence of convex compact ...
52A41 ; 90C25 ; 52A10 ; 52A27