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Documents Caraceni, Alessandra 1 résultats

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Growing maps face by face - Caraceni, Alessandra (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

In this talk, based on joint work with Alexandre Stauffer, I will consider the problem of providing 'uniform growth schemes' for various types of planar maps. In particular, we will discuss how to couple a uniform map with n faces with a uniform map with n+1 faces in such a way that the smaller map is always obtained from the larger by collapsing a single face. We show that uniform growth schemes exist for rooted 2p-angulations of the sphere and for rooted simple triangulations.[-]
In this talk, based on joint work with Alexandre Stauffer, I will consider the problem of providing 'uniform growth schemes' for various types of planar maps. In particular, we will discuss how to couple a uniform map with n faces with a uniform map with n+1 faces in such a way that the smaller map is always obtained from the larger by collapsing a single face. We show that uniform growth schemes exist for rooted 2p-angulations of the sphere and ...[+]

60C05 ; 05C30

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