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Documents Lancien, Cécilia 11 résultats

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Spectrum of random quantum channels - Lancien, Cécilia (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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The main question that we will investigate in this talk is: what does the spectrum of a quantum channel typically looks like? We will see that a wide class of random quantum channels generically exhibit a large spectral gap between their first and second largest eigenvalues. This is in close analogy with what is observed classically, i.e. for the spectral gap of transition matrices associated to random graphs. In both the classical and quantum settings, results of this kind are interesting because they provide examples of so-called expanders, i.e. dynamics that are converging fast to equilibrium despite their low connectivity. We will also present implications in terms of typical decay of correlations in 1D many-body quantum systems. If time allows, we will say a few words about ongoing investigations of the full spectral distribution of random quantum channels. This talk will be based on: arXiv:1906.11682 (with D. Perez-Garcia), arXiv:2302.07772 (with P. Youssef) and arXiv:2311.12368 (with P. Oliveira Santos and P. Youssef).[-]
The main question that we will investigate in this talk is: what does the spectrum of a quantum channel typically looks like? We will see that a wide class of random quantum channels generically exhibit a large spectral gap between their first and second largest eigenvalues. This is in close analogy with what is observed classically, i.e. for the spectral gap of transition matrices associated to random graphs. In both the classical and quantum ...[+]

81P45 ; 81P47 ; 60B20 ; 15B52

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Here, we provide a generic version of quantum Wielandt's inequality, which gives an optimal upper bound on the minimal length such that products of that length of n-dimensional matrices in a generating system span the whole matrix algebra with probability one. This length generically is of order $\Theta(\log n)$, as opposed to the general case, in which the best bound is $O(n^2)$.  This has implications for the primitivity index of random quantum channels, matrix product states and projected entangled pair states. Some results can be extended to Lie algebras. Joint work with Yifan Jia.[-]
Here, we provide a generic version of quantum Wielandt's inequality, which gives an optimal upper bound on the minimal length such that products of that length of n-dimensional matrices in a generating system span the whole matrix algebra with probability one. This length generically is of order $\Theta(\log n)$, as opposed to the general case, in which the best bound is $O(n^2)$.  This has implications for the primitivity index of random ...[+]

15A90 ; 15A15 ; 17B45

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Entanglement detection in QIT: a RMT approach - Jivulescu, Maria (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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In my talk I will recall the theory of entanglement criteria from Quantum Information Theory.
Then I will focus on the entanglement criteria based on tensor norms [Jivulescu, Lancien, Nechita 2022] which distinguishes among as it gives a unique description for well-known criteria such as realignment or SIC-POVM criterion. The tensor norm criterion solves in a positive way conjecture of Shang, Asadian, Zhu, and Guhne by deriving systematic relations between the performance of these two criteria. Connections to the problem of determining threshold points for various criteria are presented.[-]
In my talk I will recall the theory of entanglement criteria from Quantum Information Theory.
Then I will focus on the entanglement criteria based on tensor norms [Jivulescu, Lancien, Nechita 2022] which distinguishes among as it gives a unique description for well-known criteria such as realignment or SIC-POVM criterion. The tensor norm criterion solves in a positive way conjecture of Shang, Asadian, Zhu, and Guhne by deriving systematic ...[+]

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A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks - Loulidi, Faedi (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We study the entanglement entropy of a random tensor network (RTN) using tools from free probability theory. Random tensor networks are specific probabilistic models for tensors having some particular geometry dictated by a graph (or network) structure. We first introduce our model of RTN, obtained by contracting maximally entangled states (corresponding to the edges of the graph) on the tensor product of Gaussian tensors (corresponding to the vertices of the graph). We study the entanglement spectrum of the resulting random spectrum, along a given bipartition of the local Hilbert spaces. We provide the limiting eigenvalue distribution of the reduced density operator of the RTN state, in the limit of large local dimension. The limit value is described via a maximum flow optimization problem in a new graph corresponding to the geometry of the RTN and the given bipartition. In the case of series-parallel graphs, we provide an explicit formula for the limiting eigenvalue distribution using classical and free multiplicative convolutions. We discuss the physical implications of our results, specifically in terms of finite correction terms to the average entanglement entropy of the RTN.[-]
We study the entanglement entropy of a random tensor network (RTN) using tools from free probability theory. Random tensor networks are specific probabilistic models for tensors having some particular geometry dictated by a graph (or network) structure. We first introduce our model of RTN, obtained by contracting maximally entangled states (corresponding to the edges of the graph) on the tensor product of Gaussian tensors (corresponding to the ...[+]

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One of the most important question in Quantum Information Theory was to figure out whether the so-called Minimum Output Entropy (MOE) was additive. In this talk I will start by defining the counter-example originally built by Belinschi, Collins and Nechita. Then I will explain how with the help of a novel strategy, we managed with Collins to compute concentration estimate on the probability that the MOE is non-additive and how it yielded some explicit bounds for the dimension of spaces where violation of the MOE occurs. Finally, I will talk more in detail about this novel strategy which consists in interpolating random matrices and free operators with the help of free stochastic calculus.[-]
One of the most important question in Quantum Information Theory was to figure out whether the so-called Minimum Output Entropy (MOE) was additive. In this talk I will start by defining the counter-example originally built by Belinschi, Collins and Nechita. Then I will explain how with the help of a novel strategy, we managed with Collins to compute concentration estimate on the probability that the MOE is non-additive and how it yielded some ...[+]

60B20 ; 46L54 ; 52A22 ; 94A17

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Strong convergence for tensor GUE random matrices - Yuan, Wangjun (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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Haagerup and Thorbjørnsen proved that iid GUEs converge strongly to free semicircular elements as the dimension grows to infinity. Motivated by considerations from quantum physics -- in particular, understanding nearest neighbor interactions in quantum spin systems -- we consider iid GUE acting on multipartite state spaces, with a mixing component on two sites and identity on the remaining sites. We show that under proper assumptions on the dimension of the sites, strong asymptotic freeness still holds. Our proof relies on an interpolation technology recently introduced by Bandeidra, Boedihardjo and van Handel. This is a joint work with Benoît Collins.[-]
Haagerup and Thorbjørnsen proved that iid GUEs converge strongly to free semicircular elements as the dimension grows to infinity. Motivated by considerations from quantum physics -- in particular, understanding nearest neighbor interactions in quantum spin systems -- we consider iid GUE acting on multipartite state spaces, with a mixing component on two sites and identity on the remaining sites. We show that under proper assumptions on the ...[+]

15B52 ; 60B20 ; 47A80

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Tensor PCA - Ben Arous, Gérard (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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I will survey here the recent rich line of works on the statistical problem of Tensor PCA. How hard is it to denoise a (small-rank) tensor in high dimension? I will discuss the natural thresholds obtained from the point of view of Information Theory, Statistics and Optimization.


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Asymptotic tensor powers of Banach spaces - Aubrun, Guillaume (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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Motivated by considerations from quantum information theory, we study the asymptotic behaviour of large tensor powers of normed spaces and of operators between them. We define the tensor radius of a finite-dimensional normed space $\mathrm{X}$ as the limit of the sequence $A_{k}^{1 / k}$, where $A_{k}$ is the equivalence constant between the projective and injective norms on $X^{\otimes} k$. We show in particular that Euclidean spaces are characterized by the property that their tensor radius equals their dimension.
Joint work with Alexander Müller-Hermes, arXiv:2110.12828[-]
Motivated by considerations from quantum information theory, we study the asymptotic behaviour of large tensor powers of normed spaces and of operators between them. We define the tensor radius of a finite-dimensional normed space $\mathrm{X}$ as the limit of the sequence $A_{k}^{1 / k}$, where $A_{k}$ is the equivalence constant between the projective and injective norms on $X^{\otimes} k$. We show in particular that Euclidean spaces are ...[+]


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The term Tensor Network States (TNS) has become a common one in the context of numerical studies of quantum many-body problems. It refers to a number of families that represent different ansatzes for the efficient description of the state of a quantum many-body system. The first of these families, Matrix Product States (MPS), lies at the basis of Density Matrix Renormalization Group methods, which have become the most precise tool for the study of one dimensional quantum many-body systems. Their natural generalization to two or higher dimensions, the Projected Entanglement Pair States (PEPS) are good candidates to describe the physics of higher dimensional lattices. They can be used to study equilibrium properties, as ground and thermal states, but also dynamics.
Quantum information gives us some tools to understand why these families are expected to be good ansatzes for the physically relevant states, and some of the limitations connected to the simulation algorithms.
Originally introduced in the context of condensed matter physics, these methods have become a state-of-the-art technique for strongly correlated one-dimensional systems. Their applicability extends nevertheless to other fields.
These lectures will present the fundamental concepts behind TNS methods, the main families and the basic algorithms available.[-]
The term Tensor Network States (TNS) has become a common one in the context of numerical studies of quantum many-body problems. It refers to a number of families that represent different ansatzes for the efficient description of the state of a quantum many-body system. The first of these families, Matrix Product States (MPS), lies at the basis of Density Matrix Renormalization Group methods, which have become the most precise tool for the study ...[+]

81T17 ; 81Q35

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The tensor Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber integral - Gurău, Răzvan (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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I will present some recent results concerning the generalization of the Harish-ChandraItzykson-Zuber integral to the case where the group integrated over is not UpN Dq, but the subgroup UpNq bD. This case is relevant for the study of D-partite quantum systems. While the HCIZ integral can no longer be expressed in terms of eigenvalues of the source matrices, it can be explicitly computed using Weingarten calculus. This result allows us to formulate a criterion for the detection of entanglement in multipartite quantum systems, which I will discuss in some detail.[-]
I will present some recent results concerning the generalization of the Harish-ChandraItzykson-Zuber integral to the case where the group integrated over is not UpN Dq, but the subgroup UpNq bD. This case is relevant for the study of D-partite quantum systems. While the HCIZ integral can no longer be expressed in terms of eigenvalues of the source matrices, it can be explicitly computed using Weingarten calculus. This result allows us to ...[+]

05A15 ; 60C99 ; 81P99

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