Pseudo-differential operators: analysis, applications and computations.
Selected papers based on lectures presented at the meeting of the ISAAC group in pseudo-differential operators (IGPDO)
London # july 13-18, 2009
... (Editor) ; ... (Editor) ; ... (Editor)
vi; 305 p.
22A10 ; 32A40 ; 32A45 ; 35A17 ; 35A22 ; 35B05 ; 35B40 ; 35B60 ; 35J70 ; 35K05 ; 35K65 ; 35L05 ; 35L40 ; 35S05 ; 35S15 ; 35S30 ; 43A77 ; 46F15 ; 47B10 ; 47B35 ; 47B37 ; 47G10 ; 47G30 ; 47L15 ; 58J35 ; 58J40 ; 58J50 ; 65R10 ; 94A12 ; 22C05 ; 30E25 ; 35G05 ; 35H10 ; 35J05 ; 42B10 ; 42B35 ; 47A10 ; 47A53 ; 47F05 ; 58J20 ; 65M60 ; 65T10