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Homogeneous vector bundles over abelian varieties

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Auteurs : Brion, Michel (Auteur de la Conférence)
CIRM (Editeur )

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Résumé : The objects of the talk are the translation-invariant vector bundles over an abelian variety. We will present a representation-theoretic description of these vector bundles, which displays a remarkable analogy with finite-dimensional representations of a compact connected Lie group: the weight lattice is replaced with the dual abelian variety, the Weyl group with the Galois group of the ground field...

Keywords : abelian variety; homogeneous vector bundle; irreducible representation; unipotent vector bundle

Codes MSC :
14J60 - Vector bundles on surfaces and higher-order varieties, and their moduli
14K05 - Algebraic theory of abelian varieties
14L15 - Group schemes
20G05 - Representation theory of linear algebraic groups

    Informations sur la Vidéo

    Réalisateur : Hennenfent, Guillaume
    Langue : Anglais
    Date de publication : 18/10/2018
    Date de captation : 11/10/2018
    Sous collection : Research talks
    arXiv category : Group Theory
    Domaine : Algebraic & Complex Geometry ; Lie Theory and Generalizations
    Format : MP4 (.mp4) - HD
    Durée : 00:49:22
    Audience : Researchers
    Download : https://videos.cirm-math.fr/2018-10-11_Brion.mp4

Informations sur la Rencontre

Nom de la rencontre : International workshop on geometric quantization and applications / Colloque international "Quantification géométrique et applications"
Organisateurs de la rencontre : Ma, Xiaonan ; Meinrenken, Eckhard ; Paradan, Paul-Emile
Dates : 08/10/2018 - 12/10/2018
Année de la rencontre : 2018
URL Congrès : https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/1867.html

Données de citation

DOI : 10.24350/CIRM.V.19464703
Citer cette vidéo: Brion, Michel (2018). Homogeneous vector bundles over abelian varieties. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. doi:10.24350/CIRM.V.19464703
URI : http://dx.doi.org/10.24350/CIRM.V.19464703

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