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Documents 18M70 3 results

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On analytic exponential functors on free groups - Vespa, Christine (Author of the conference) | CIRM H

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Functors on the category gr of finitely generated free groups and group homomorphisms appear naturally in different contexts of topology. For example, Hochschild-Pirashvili homology for a wedge of circles or Jacobi diagrams in handlebodies give rise to interesting functors on gr. Some of these natural examples satisfy further properties: they are analytic and/or exponential. Pirashvili proves that the category of exponential contravariant functors from gr to the category k-Mod of k-modules is equivalent to the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras over k. Powell proves an equivalence between the category of analytic contravariant functors from gr to k-Mod, and the category of linear functors on the linear PROP associated to the Lie operad when k is a field of characteristic 0. In this talk, after explaining these two equivalences of categories, I will explain how they interact with each other. (This is a joint work with Minkyu Kim).[-]
Functors on the category gr of finitely generated free groups and group homomorphisms appear naturally in different contexts of topology. For example, Hochschild-Pirashvili homology for a wedge of circles or Jacobi diagrams in handlebodies give rise to interesting functors on gr. Some of these natural examples satisfy further properties: they are analytic and/or exponential. Pirashvili proves that the category of exponential contravariant ...[+]

18A25 ; 16T05 ; 18M70

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There is a family of symplectic representations of the braid groups given by the "integral reduced Burau representation". I will explain a calculation of the stable homology of the braid groups with coefficients in this Burau representation, composed with any algebraic rational representation of the symplectic group. The answer has important consequences in analytic number theory. (Joint with Bergström-Diaconu-Westerland.)

14H10 ; 55P48 ; 20F36 ; 18M70

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Given a nilpotent Lie algebra over a characteristic zero field, one can construct a group in a universal way via the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. This integration procedure admits generalizations to dg Lie or L∞-algebras, giving in general ∞-groupoid of deformations that it encodes, as by the Lurie-Pridham correspondence, infinitesimal deformation problems are equivalent to dg Lie algebras. The recent work of Brantner-Mathew establishes a correspondence between infinitesimal deformation problems and partition Lie algebras over a positive characteristic field. In this talk, I will explain how to construct an analogue of the integration functor for certain point-set models of (spectral) partition Lie algebras, and how this integration functor can recover the associated deformation problem under some assumptions. Furthermore, I will discuss some applications of these constructions to unstable p-adic homotopy theory.[-]
Given a nilpotent Lie algebra over a characteristic zero field, one can construct a group in a universal way via the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. This integration procedure admits generalizations to dg Lie or L∞-algebras, giving in general ∞-groupoid of deformations that it encodes, as by the Lurie-Pridham correspondence, infinitesimal deformation problems are equivalent to dg Lie algebras. The recent work of Brantner-Mathew establishes a ...[+]

18M70 ; 18N40 ; 22E60 ; 55P62 ; 55U10 ; 14D15 ; 14D23

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