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Documents 11K31 5 résultats

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In this talk I will report on recent progress on two different problems in discrepancy theory.In the first part I will present a recent extension of the notion of jittered sampling to arbitrary partitions of the unit cube. In this joint work with Markus Kiderlen from Aarhus, we introduce the notion of a uniformly distributed triangular array. Moreover, we show that the expected Lp-discrepancy of a point sample generated from an arbitrary equi volume partition of the unit cube is always strictly smaller than the expected Lp-discrepancy of a set of N uniform random samples for p > 1.
The second part of the talk is dedicated to greedy energy minimization. I will give a new characterisation of the classical van der Corput sequence in terms of a minimization problem and will discuss various related open questions.[-]
In this talk I will report on recent progress on two different problems in discrepancy theory.In the first part I will present a recent extension of the notion of jittered sampling to arbitrary partitions of the unit cube. In this joint work with Markus Kiderlen from Aarhus, we introduce the notion of a uniformly distributed triangular array. Moreover, we show that the expected Lp-discrepancy of a point sample generated from an arbitrary equi ...[+]

11K38 ; 11K31 ; 52C25

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The notion of quasi-random graphs was introduced in 1987 by F. R. K. Chung, R. L. Graham and R. M. Wilson, resp. A. Thomason. It has been shown that there is a strong connection between this notion and the pseudorandomness of (finite) binary sequences. This connection can be utilized for constructing large families of quasi-random graphs by considering graphs defined by a circular adjacency matrix whose first column is a binary sequence with strong pseudo-random properties. Starting out from this construction principle one may extend, generalize and sharpen some definitions and results on quasi-randomness of graphs.[-]
The notion of quasi-random graphs was introduced in 1987 by F. R. K. Chung, R. L. Graham and R. M. Wilson, resp. A. Thomason. It has been shown that there is a strong connection between this notion and the pseudorandomness of (finite) binary sequences. This connection can be utilized for constructing large families of quasi-random graphs by considering graphs defined by a circular adjacency matrix whose first column is a binary sequence with ...[+]

11K45 ; 11K36 ; 11K31 ; 05C80 ; 05Cxx

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In this talk I will report on recent progress on two different problems in discrepancy theory. In the first part I will present a recent extension of the notion of jittered sampling to arbitrary partitions of the unit cube. In this joint work with Markus Kiderlen from Aarhus, we introduce the notion of a uniformly distributed triangular array. Moreover, we show that the expected Lp-discrepancy of a point sample generated from an arbitrary equi volume partition of the unit cube is always strictly smaller than the expected Lp-discrepancy of a set of N uniform random samples for p > 1.
The second part of the talk is dedicated to greedy energy minimization. I will give a new characterisation of the classical van der Corput sequence in terms of a minimization problem and will discuss various related open questions.[-]
In this talk I will report on recent progress on two different problems in discrepancy theory. In the first part I will present a recent extension of the notion of jittered sampling to arbitrary partitions of the unit cube. In this joint work with Markus Kiderlen from Aarhus, we introduce the notion of a uniformly distributed triangular array. Moreover, we show that the expected Lp-discrepancy of a point sample generated from an arbitrary equi ...[+]

11K38 ; 11K31 ; 52C25

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On generalised Rudin-Shapiro sequences - Stoll, Thomas (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H


We introduce a family of block-additive automatic sequences, that are obtained by allocating a weight to each couple of digits, and defining the nth term of the sequence as being the total weight of the integer n written in base k. Under an additional combinatorial difference condition on the weight function, these sequences can be interpreted as generalised Rudin–Shapiro sequences. We prove that these sequences have the same two-term correlations as sequences of symbols chosen uniformly and independently at random. The speed of convergence is independent of the prime factor decomposition of k. This extends work by E. Grant, J. Shallit, T. Stoll, and by P.-A. Tahay.[-]
We introduce a family of block-additive automatic sequences, that are obtained by allocating a weight to each couple of digits, and defining the nth term of the sequence as being the total weight of the integer n written in base k. Under an additional combinatorial difference condition on the weight function, these sequences can be interpreted as generalised Rudin–Shapiro sequences. We prove that these sequences have the same two-term c...[+]

11A63 ; 11K31 ; 68R15

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In this talk I will report on recent progress on two different problems in discrepancy theory. In the first part I will present a recent extension of the notion of jittered sampling to arbitrary partitions of the unit cube. In this joint work with Markus Kiderlen from Aarhus, we introduce the notion of a uniformly distributed triangular array. Moreover, we show that the expected Lp-discrepancy of a point sample generated from an arbitrary equi volume partition of the unit cube is always strictly smaller than the expected Lp-discrepancy of a set of N uniform random samples for p > 1.
The second part of the talk is dedicated to greedy energy minimization. I will give a new characterisation of the classical van der Corput sequence in terms of a minimization problem and will discuss various related open questions.[-]
In this talk I will report on recent progress on two different problems in discrepancy theory. In the first part I will present a recent extension of the notion of jittered sampling to arbitrary partitions of the unit cube. In this joint work with Markus Kiderlen from Aarhus, we introduce the notion of a uniformly distributed triangular array. Moreover, we show that the expected Lp-discrepancy of a point sample generated from an arbitrary equi ...[+]

11K38 ; 11K31 ; 52C25

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