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Documents 35B45 7 résultats

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It is known that in 3D exterior domains Ω with the compact smooth boundary $\partial \Omega$, two spaces $X^{r}_{har}\left ( \Omega \right )$ and $V^{r}_{har}\left ( \Omega \right )$ of $L^{r}$-harmonic vector fields $h$ with $h\cdot v\mid _{\partial \Omega }= 0$ and $h\times v\mid _{\partial \Omega }= 0$ are both of finite dimensions, where $v$ denotes the unit outward normal to $\partial \Omega$. We prove that for every $L^{r}$-vector field $u$, there exist $h\in X^{r}_{har}\left ( \Omega \right )$, $w\in H^{1,r}\left ( \Omega \right )^{3}$ with div $w= 0$ and $p\in H^{1,r}\left ( \Omega \right )$ such that $u$ is uniquely decomposed as $u= h$ + rot $w$ + $\bigtriangledown p$.
On the other hand, if for the given $L^{r}$-vector field $u$ we choose its harmonic part $h$ from $V^{r}_{har}\left ( \Omega \right )$, then we have a similar decomposition to above, while the unique expression of $u$ holds only for $1< r< 3$. Furthermore, the choice of $p$ in $H^{1,r}\left ( \Omega \right )$ is determined in accordance with the threshold $r= 3/2$.
Our result is based on the joint work with Matthias Hieber, Anton Seyferd (TU Darmstadt), Senjo Shimizu (Kyoto Univ.) and Taku Yanagisawa (Nara Women Univ.).[-]
It is known that in 3D exterior domains Ω with the compact smooth boundary $\partial \Omega$, two spaces $X^{r}_{har}\left ( \Omega \right )$ and $V^{r}_{har}\left ( \Omega \right )$ of $L^{r}$-harmonic vector fields $h$ with $h\cdot v\mid _{\partial \Omega }= 0$ and $h\times v\mid _{\partial \Omega }= 0$ are both of finite dimensions, where $v$ denotes the unit outward normal to $\partial \Omega$. We prove that for every $L^{r}$-vector field $u...[+]

35B45 ; 35J25 ; 35Q30 ; 58A10 ; 35A25

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In this talk, I will present the global solvability of the primitive equations for the atmosphere coupled to moisture dynamics with phase changes for warm clouds, where water is present in the form of water vapor and in the liquid state as cloud water and rain water. This moisture model, which has been used by Klein–Majda in [1] and corresponds to a basic form of the bulk microphysics closure in the spirit of Kessler [2] and Grabowski–Smolarkiewicz [3], contains closures for the phase changes condensation and evaporation, as well as the processes of autoconversion of cloud water into rainwater and the collection of cloud water by the falling rain droplets. The moisture balances are strongly coupled to the thermodynamic equation via the latent heat associated to the phase changes. The global well-posedness was proved by combining the technique used in Hittmeir–Klein–Li–Titi [4], where global well-posedness was established for the pure moisture system for given velocity, and the ideas of Cao–Titi [5], who succeeded in proving the global solvability of the primitive equations without coupling to the moisture.[-]
In this talk, I will present the global solvability of the primitive equations for the atmosphere coupled to moisture dynamics with phase changes for warm clouds, where water is present in the form of water vapor and in the liquid state as cloud water and rain water. This moisture model, which has been used by Klein–Majda in [1] and corresponds to a basic form of the bulk microphysics closure in the spirit of Kessler [2] and Grabowski–S...[+]

35A01 ; 35B45 ; 35D35 ; 35M86 ; 35Q30 ; 35Q35 ; 35Q86 ; 76D03 ; 76D09

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Quantitative De Giorgi methods in kinetic theory - Mouhot, Clément (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H


We consider hypoelliptic equations of kinetic Fokker-Planck type, also sometimes called of Kolmogorov or Langevin type, with rough coefficients in the drift-diffusion operator in velocity. We present novel short quantitative proofs of the De Giorgi intermediate-value Lemma as well as weak Harnack and Harnack inequalities (which imply Hölder continuity with quantitative estimates).
This is a joint work with Jessica Guerand.

35Q84 ; 35B45 ; 35B65

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A spectral inequality for the bi-Laplace operator - Robbiano, Luc (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H


In this talk we present a inequality obtained with Jérôme Le Rousseau, for sum of eigenfunctions for bi-Laplace operator with clamped boundary condition. These boundary conditions do not allow to reduce the problem for a Laplacian with adapted boundary condition. The proof follow the strategy used for Laplacian, namely we consider a problem with an extra variable and we prove Carleman estimates for this new problem. The main difficulty is to obtain a Carleman estimate up to the boundary.[-]
In this talk we present a inequality obtained with Jérôme Le Rousseau, for sum of eigenfunctions for bi-Laplace operator with clamped boundary condition. These boundary conditions do not allow to reduce the problem for a Laplacian with adapted boundary condition. The proof follow the strategy used for Laplacian, namely we consider a problem with an extra variable and we prove Carleman estimates for this new problem. The main difficulty is to ...[+]

35B45 ; 35S15 ; 93B05 ; 93B07

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The wave equation on a model convex domain revisited - Planchon, Fabrice (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

We detail how the new parametrix construction that was developped for the general case allows in turn for a simplified approach for the model case and helps in sharpening both positive and negative results for Strichartz estimates.

35L20 ; 35L05 ; 35B45 ; 58J45 ; 35A18

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We show, using symmetrization techniques, that it is possible to prove a comparison principle (we are mainly focused on L1 comparison) between solutions to an elliptic partial differential equation on a smooth bounded set Ω with a rather general boundary condition, and solutions to a suitable related problem defined on a ball having the same volume as Ω. This includes for instance mixed problems.

35J05 ; 35B45 ; 35B06

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Odd fluids - Fanelli, Francesco (Auteur de la conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

In many physical fluid systems, the constituent particles present a parity-breaking intrinsic angular momentum: this is the case, for instance, of quantum fluids and super-fluids, polyatomic gases, chiral active matter and vortex dynamics. In such situations, only the skew-symmetric component of the total viscous stress tensor, often dubbed odd viscosity, is non-zero, implying that the viscosity becomes non-dissipative.
At the level of the mathematical model, the odd viscosity term is responsible for a loss of regularity, as it involves higher order space derivatives of the velocity field and, in the case of non-homogeneous fluids, of the density.
In this talk we consider the dynamics of non-homogeneous incompressible fluids having odd viscosity and we set up a well-posedness theory in Sobolev spaces for the related system of equations. The proof is based on the introduction of a set of suitable 'good unknowns' for the system, which allow to put in evidence an underlying hyperbolic structure and to circumvent, in this way, the loss of derivatives created by the odd viscosity term.
The talk is based on a joint work with Rafael Granero-Belinchón (Universidad de Cantabria) and Stefano Scrobogna (Università degli Studi di Trieste).[-]
In many physical fluid systems, the constituent particles present a parity-breaking intrinsic angular momentum: this is the case, for instance, of quantum fluids and super-fluids, polyatomic gases, chiral active matter and vortex dynamics. In such situations, only the skew-symmetric component of the total viscous stress tensor, often dubbed odd viscosity, is non-zero, implying that the viscosity becomes non-dissipative.
At the level of the ...[+]

35Q35 ; 76B03 ; 35B45 ; 76D09

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