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For a polynomial $f(x)$ over a field $L$, and an element $c \in L$, I will discuss the size of the intersection of the orbit $\lbrace f(c),f(f (c)),...\rbrace$ with a prescribed subfield of $L$. I will also discuss the size of the intersection of orbits of two distinct polynomials, and generalizations of these questions to more general maps between varieties.
polynomial decomposition - classification of finite simple groups - Bombieri-Lang conjecture - orbit - dynamical system - unlikely intersections
For a polynomial $f(x)$ over a field $L$, and an element $c \in L$, I will discuss the size of the intersection of the orbit $\lbrace f(c),f(f (c)),...\rbrace$ with a prescribed subfield of $L$. I will also discuss the size of the intersection of orbits of two distinct polynomials, and generalizations of these questions to more general maps between varieties.
polynomial decomposition - classification of finite simple groups - Bombieri-Lang ...
11C08 ; 14Gxx ; 37F10
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A Diophantine equation has separated variables if it is of the form $ f(x) = g(y)$ for polynomials $f$, $g$. In a more general sense the degree of $f $ and $g$ may also be a variable.In the present talk various results for special types of the polynomials $f$ and $g$ will be presented. The types of the considered polynomials contain power sums, sums of products of consecutive integers, Komornik polynomials, perfect powers. Results on $F$-Diophantine sets, which are proved using results on Diophantine equations in separated variables will also be considered. The main tool for the proof of the presented general qualitative results is the famous Bilu-Tichy Theorem. Further, effective results (which depend on Baker's method) and results containing the complete solutions to special cases of these equations will also be included.
A Diophantine equation has separated variables if it is of the form $ f(x) = g(y)$ for polynomials $f$, $g$. In a more general sense the degree of $f $ and $g$ may also be a variable.In the present talk various results for special types of the polynomials $f$ and $g$ will be presented. The types of the considered polynomials contain power sums, sums of products of consecutive integers, Komornik polynomials, perfect powers. Results on $F...
11D41 ; 11C08