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Documents 01Axx 3 résultats

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In this talk, I will attempt to review some of the results of Oleg Lepski and his co-authors that influenced the course of mathematical statistics over the last thirty years.
It is hard to do fair justice to the origins of ideas that circulate among a vast community of scientists, and instead of taking the route of an illegitimate historian, I will follow byways and give a personal account of what I know and understand of Oleg's influence and personality. In particular I will try not to talk too much about "Lepski's method", but rather focus on others of his many contributions.[-]
In this talk, I will attempt to review some of the results of Oleg Lepski and his co-authors that influenced the course of mathematical statistics over the last thirty years.
It is hard to do fair justice to the origins of ideas that circulate among a vast community of scientists, and instead of taking the route of an illegitimate historian, I will follow byways and give a personal account of what I know and understand of Oleg's influence and ...[+]

01Axx ; 62-XX

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Possibles et impossibles en mathématiques - Banderier, Cyril (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

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Andreï Kolmogorov est un mathématicien russe (1903-1987) qui a apporté des contributions frappantes en théorie des probabilités, théorie ergodique, turbulence, mécanique classique, logique mathématique, topologie, théorie algorithmique de l'information et en analyse de la complexité des algorithmes. Alexander Bufetov, Directeur de recherche CNRS (I2M - Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille) et porteur local de la Chaire Jean-Morlet (Chaire Tamara Grava 2019 - semestre 1) donnera une conférence sur les contributions exceptionnelles et la vie dramatique d'un grand génie du XXe siècle.[-]
Andreï Kolmogorov est un mathématicien russe (1903-1987) qui a apporté des contributions frappantes en théorie des probabilités, théorie ergodique, turbulence, mécanique classique, logique mathématique, topologie, théorie algorithmique de l'information et en analyse de la complexité des algorithmes. Alexander Bufetov, Directeur de recherche CNRS (I2M - Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille) et porteur local de la Chaire Jean-Morlet ...[+]

00A06 ; 00A09 ; 01Axx ; 01A60

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