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Documents 33E05 2 résultats

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Quasi logistic distributions and Gaussian scale mixing - Letac, Gerard (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H


A quasi logistic distribution on the real line has density proportional to $(cosh x+cos a)^{-1}$ if $V> 0$ and $Z$ with standard normal law are independent, we say that $\sqrt{V}$ has a quasi Kolmogorov distribution if $Z\sqrt{V}$ is quasi logistic. We study the numerous properties of these generalizations of the logistic and Kolmogorov laws.

62E10 ; 60E07 ; 33E05

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Complex multiplication - Lecture 1 - Vonk, Jan (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

This is the introductory lecture to a mini-course (joint with Eugenia Rosu) about complex multiplication, at the CIRM Spring School 2023. It gives an overview of the basic theory of elliptic functions.

11G15 ; 11G16 ; 33E05

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