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Documents 53C65 4 résultats

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This is a work with Yves Colin de Verdière, Charlotte Dietze and Maarten De Hoop, motivated by recent works by M. De Hoop on inverse problems for sound wave propagation in gas giant planets. On such planets, the speed of sound is isotropic and tends to zero at the surface. Geometrically, this corresponds to a Riemannian manifold with a boundary whose metric blows up near the boundary. With appropriate variable changes, we can reduce the study of the Laplacian?Beltrami to that of a kind of sub-Riemannian Laplacian. In this talk, I will explain how to approach the spectral analysis of such operators, and in particular how to calculate WeylÕs law.[-]
This is a work with Yves Colin de Verdière, Charlotte Dietze and Maarten De Hoop, motivated by recent works by M. De Hoop on inverse problems for sound wave propagation in gas giant planets. On such planets, the speed of sound is isotropic and tends to zero at the surface. Geometrically, this corresponds to a Riemannian manifold with a boundary whose metric blows up near the boundary. With appropriate variable changes, we can reduce the study of ...[+]

11F72 ; 58C40 ; 53C22 ; 37D40 ; 53C65 ; 35R30

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Curvature measures of random sets - Zähle, Martina (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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A survey on some developments in curvature theory for random sets will be given. We first consider previous models with classical singularities like polyconvex sets or unions of sets with positive reach. The main part of the talk concerns extensions to certain classes of random fractals which have been investigated in the last years. In these cases limits of rescaled versions for suitable approximations are used.

53C65 ; 52A22 ; 60D05 ; 28A80 ; 28A75

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Stokes' theorem in Heisenberg groups - Vittone, Davide (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We introduce the notion of submanifolds with boundary with intrinsic $C^{1}$ regularity in the setting of sub-Riemannian Heisenberg groups. We present a Stokes' Theorem for such submanifolds involving the integration of Heisenberg differential foms introduced by Rumin. This is a joint work with M. Di Marco, A. Julia and S. Nicolussi Golo.

53C17 ; 26B20 ; 53C65 ; 58C35

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Given a line bundle $L$ over a real Riemann surface, we study the number of real zeros of a random section of $L$. We prove a rarefaction result for sections whose number of real zeros deviates from the expected one.

32A60 ; 60D05 ; 53C65

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