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Documents 60G55 28 résultats

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Determinantal point processes - Lecture 3 - Bufetov, Alexander (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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Determinantal point processes arise in a wide range of problems in asymptotic combinatorics, representation theory and mathematical physics, especially the theory of random matrices. While our understanding of determinantal point processes has greatly advanced in the last 20 years, many open problems remain. The course will give an elementary introduction to determinantal point processes, starting from the basics and leading on to open problems.

1. Examples.
2. Limit theorems.
3. Palm-Khintchine theory. Quasi-symmetries.
4. Determinantal point processes and extrapolation.[-]
Determinantal point processes arise in a wide range of problems in asymptotic combinatorics, representation theory and mathematical physics, especially the theory of random matrices. While our understanding of determinantal point processes has greatly advanced in the last 20 years, many open problems remain. The course will give an elementary introduction to determinantal point processes, starting from the basics and leading on to open ...[+]


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Le but de ce cours sera de présenter quelques techniques liées aux processus de Schur, dans le cadre le plus simple de la mesure de Plancherel sur les partitions d'entiers.
La mesure de Plancherel est une mesure sur l'ensemble des partitions d'un entier n, où une partition donnée apparaît avec une probabilité proportionnelle au carré de son nombre de tableaux de Young standard. Cette mesure apparaît très naturellement en lien avec le fameux problème de Ulam-Hammersley, qui consiste à étudier la longueur d'une plus longue sous-suite croissante d'une permutation uniforme de {1,...,n}. Il est en fait fructueux de travailler avec une version «poissonisée» du problème, où la taille n est tirée selon une loi de Poisson, dont on fera tendre le paramètre vers l'infini afin d'étudier les asymptotiques.
Dans la première séance, nous verrons que la mesure de Plancherel poissonisée est en fait un processus déterminantal, dont le noyau de corrélation fait intervenir les fonctions de Bessel. Nous utiliserons pour cela le formalisme de l'espace de Fock fermionique. (Toutes les notions nécessaires seront introduites au fur et à mesure, de la manière la plus élémentaire possible.)
Dans la seconde séance, nous étudierons les différentes asymptotiques du noyau de corrélation, par une application élégante de la méthode du col due à Okounkov et Reshetikhin. Nous verrons en particulier apparaître un phénomène de forme-limite, le noyau sinus discret dans le cas des limites «bulk» et le noyau d'Airy dans la limite «edge». In fine, nous aboutirons à une preuve du théorème de Baik-Deift-Johansson (1998) énonçant que les fluctuations de la longueur d'une plus longue sous-suite croissante d'une permutation uniforme ont asymptotiquement la même distribution que la plus grande valeur propre d'une matrice hermitienne aléatoire.[-]
Le but de ce cours sera de présenter quelques techniques liées aux processus de Schur, dans le cadre le plus simple de la mesure de Plancherel sur les partitions d'entiers.
La mesure de Plancherel est une mesure sur l'ensemble des partitions d'un entier n, où une partition donnée apparaît avec une probabilité proportionnelle au carré de son nombre de tableaux de Young standard. Cette mesure apparaît très naturellement en lien avec le fameux ...[+]

05A17 ; 05E10 ; 60C05 ; 60G55

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La géométrie stochastique est l'étude d'objets issus de la géométrie euclidienne dont le comportement relève du hasard. Si les premiers problèmes de probabilités géométriques ont été posés sous la forme de casse-têtes mathématiques, le domaine s'est considérablement développé depuis une cinquantaine d'années de part ses multiples applications, notamment en sciences expérimentales, et aussi ses liens avec l'analyse d'algorithmes géométriques. L'exposé sera centré sur la description des polytopes aléatoires qui sont construits comme enveloppes convexes d'un ensemble aléatoire de points. On s'intéressera plus particulièrement aux cas d'un nuage de points uniformes dans un corps convexe fixé ou d'un nuage de points gaussiens et on se focalisera sur l'étude asymptotique de grandeurs aléatoires associées, en particulier via des calculs de variances limites. Seront également évoqués d'autres modèles classiques de la géométrie aléatoire tels que la mosaïque de Poisson-Voronoi.[-]
La géométrie stochastique est l'étude d'objets issus de la géométrie euclidienne dont le comportement relève du hasard. Si les premiers problèmes de probabilités géométriques ont été posés sous la forme de casse-têtes mathématiques, le domaine s'est considérablement développé depuis une cinquantaine d'années de part ses multiples applications, notamment en sciences expérimentales, et aussi ses liens avec l'analyse d'algorithmes géométriques. ...[+]

60D05 ; 60F05 ; 52A22 ; 60G55

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We show that random walk on a stationary random graph with positive anchored expansion and exponential volume growth has positive speed. We also show that two families of random triangulations of the hyperbolic plane, the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation and the hyperbolic Poisson Delaunay triangulation, have 1-skeletons with positive anchored expansion. As a consequence, we show that the simple random walks on these graphs have positive speed. We include a section of open problems and conjectures on the topics of stationary geometric random graphs and the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation. [-]
We show that random walk on a stationary random graph with positive anchored expansion and exponential volume growth has positive speed. We also show that two families of random triangulations of the hyperbolic plane, the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation and the hyperbolic Poisson Delaunay triangulation, have 1-skeletons with positive anchored expansion. As a consequence, we show that the simple random walks on these graphs have positive ...[+]

05C80 ; 60D05 ; 60G55

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In this talk we address generalisation of stationary Hawkes processes in order to allow for a time-evolutive second-order analysis. A formal derivation of a time-frequency analysis via a time-varying Bartlett spectrum is given by introduction of the new class of locally stationary Hawkes process. This model is most appropriate for the analysis of (potentially very) long stretches of observed self-exciting point processes, as introduced in the stationary case by A. Hawkes (1971), in one dimension (temporal) or in a higher dimensional (i.e. spatial) context. Motivated by the concept of locally stationary autoregressive processes, we apply however inherently different techniques to describe and capture the time-varying dynamics of self-exciting point processes in the frequency domain. In particular we derive a stationary approximation of the Laplace transform of a locally stationary Hawkes process. This allows us to define a local intensity function and a local Bartlett spectrum which can be used to compute approximations of first and second order moments of the process. We will also present some insightful simulation studies and propose and discuss preliminary asymptotic results on how to estimate the first and second order structure of the process. Joint work with François Roueff and Laure Sansonnet

Keywords: locally stationary processes; Hawkes processes; Bartlett spectrum; time frequency analysis; point processes[-]
In this talk we address generalisation of stationary Hawkes processes in order to allow for a time-evolutive second-order analysis. A formal derivation of a time-frequency analysis via a time-varying Bartlett spectrum is given by introduction of the new class of locally stationary Hawkes process. This model is most appropriate for the analysis of (potentially very) long stretches of observed self-exciting point processes, as introduced in the ...[+]

46N30 ; 60G55 ; 62M15

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We study a renewal risk model in which the surplus process of the insurance company is modeled by a compound fractional Poisson process. We establish the long-range dependence property of this non-stationary process. Some results for the ruin probabilities are presented in various assumptions on the distribution of the claim sizes.

60G22 ; 60G55 ; 91B30 ; 60K05 ; 33E12

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The two-periodic Aztec diamond is a dimer or random tiling model with three phases, solid, liquid and gas. The dimers form a determinantal point process with a somewhat complicated but explicit correlation kernel. I will discuss in some detail how the Airy point process can be found at the liquid-gas boundary by looking at suitable averages of height function differences. The argument is a rather complicated analysis using the cumulant approach and subtle cancellations. Joint work with Vincent Beffara and Sunil Chhita.[-]
The two-periodic Aztec diamond is a dimer or random tiling model with three phases, solid, liquid and gas. The dimers form a determinantal point process with a somewhat complicated but explicit correlation kernel. I will discuss in some detail how the Airy point process can be found at the liquid-gas boundary by looking at suitable averages of height function differences. The argument is a rather complicated analysis using the cumulant approach ...[+]

60K35 ; 60G55 ; 60C05 ; 82B20 ; 05B45

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A determinantal point process governed by a Hermitian contraction kernel $K$ on a measure space $E$ remains determinantal when conditioned on its configuration on a subset $B \subset E$. Moreover, the conditional kernel can be chosen canonically in a way that is "local" in a non-commutative sense, i.e. invariant under "restriction" to closed subspaces $L^2(B) \subset P \subset L^2(E)$. Using the properties of the canonical conditional kernel we establish a conjecture of Lyons and Peres: if $K$ is a projection then almost surely all functions in its image can be recovered by sampling at the points of the process.
Joint work with Alexander Bufetov and Yanqi Qiu.[-]
A determinantal point process governed by a Hermitian contraction kernel $K$ on a measure space $E$ remains determinantal when conditioned on its configuration on a subset $B \subset E$. Moreover, the conditional kernel can be chosen canonically in a way that is "local" in a non-commutative sense, i.e. invariant under "restriction" to closed subspaces $L^2(B) \subset P \subset L^2(E)$. Using the properties of the canonical conditional kernel ...[+]

60G55 ; 60C05

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A functional limit theorem for the sine-process - Dymov, Andrey (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

It is well-known that a large class of determinantal processes including the sine-process satisfies the Central Limit Theorem. For many dynamical systems satisfying the CLT the Donsker Invariance Principle also takes place. The latter states that, in some appropriate sense, trajectories of the system can be approximated by trajectories of the Brownian motion. I will present results of my joint work with A. Bufetov, where we prove a functional limit theorem for the sine-process, which turns out to be very different from the Donsker Invariance Principle. We show that the anti-derivative of our process can be approximated by the sum of a linear Gaussian process and small independent Gaussian fluctuations whose covariance matrix we compute explicitly.[-]
It is well-known that a large class of determinantal processes including the sine-process satisfies the Central Limit Theorem. For many dynamical systems satisfying the CLT the Donsker Invariance Principle also takes place. The latter states that, in some appropriate sense, trajectories of the system can be approximated by trajectories of the Brownian motion. I will present results of my joint work with A. Bufetov, where we prove a functional ...[+]

60G55 ; 60F05 ; 60G60

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Two important examples of the determinantal point processes associated with the Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions are the Ginibre point process and the set of zeros of the Gaussian Analytic Functions on the unit disk. In this talk, I will talk such class of determinantal point processes in greater generality. The main topics concerned are the equivalence of the reduced Palm measures and the quasi-invariance of these point processes under certain natural group action of the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms of the phase space. This talk is based partly on the joint works with Alexander I. Bufetov and partly on a more recent joint work with Alexander I. Bufetov and Shilei Fan.[-]
Two important examples of the determinantal point processes associated with the Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions are the Ginibre point process and the set of zeros of the Gaussian Analytic Functions on the unit disk. In this talk, I will talk such class of determinantal point processes in greater generality. The main topics concerned are the equivalence of the reduced Palm measures and the quasi-invariance of these point processes under ...[+]

60G55 ; 46E20 ; 30H20

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