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Documents 62L12 2 résultats

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Universal inference using the split likelihood ratio test - Ramdas, Aaditya K. (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H


We propose a general method for constructing confidence sets and hypothesis tests that have finite-sample guarantees without regularity conditions. We refer to such procedures as “universal.” The method is very simple and is based on a modified version of the usual likelihood ratio statistic, that we call “the split likelihood ratio test” (split LRT) statistic. The (limiting) null distribution of the classical likelihood ratio statistic is often intractable when used to test composite null hypotheses in irregular statistical models. Our method is especially appealing for statistical inference in these complex setups. The method we suggest works for any parametric model and also for some nonparametric models, as long as computing a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is feasible under the null. Canonical examples arise in mixture modeling and shape-constrained inference, for which constructing tests and confidence sets has been notoriously difficult. We also develop various extensions of our basic methods. We show that in settings when computing the MLE is hard, for the purpose of constructing valid tests and intervals, it is sufficient to upper bound the maximum likelihood. We investigate some conditions under which our methods yield valid inferences under model-misspecification. Further, the split LRT can be used with profile likelihoods to deal with nuisance parameters, and it can also be run sequentially to yield anytime-valid p-values and confidence sequences. Finally, when combined with the method of sieves, it can be used to perform model selection with nested model classes.[-]
We propose a general method for constructing confidence sets and hypothesis tests that have finite-sample guarantees without regularity conditions. We refer to such procedures as “universal.” The method is very simple and is based on a modified version of the usual likelihood ratio statistic, that we call “the split likelihood ratio test” (split LRT) statistic. The (limiting) null distribution of the classical likelihood ratio statistic is often ...[+]

62C05 ; 62F03 ; 62G10 ; 62L12

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Rare event simulation for molecular dynamics - Guyader, Arnaud (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

Multi angle

This talk is devoted to the presentation of algorithms for simulating rare events in a molecular dynamics context, e.g., the simulation of reactive paths. We will consider $\mathbb{R}^d$ as the space of configurations for a given system, where the probability of a specific configuration is given by a Gibbs measure depending on a temperature parameter. The dynamics of the system is given by an overdamped Langevin (or gradient) equation. The problem is to find how the system can evolve from a local minimum of the potential to another, following the above dynamics. After a brief overview of classical Monte Carlo methods, we will expose recent results on adaptive multilevel splitting techniques.[-]
This talk is devoted to the presentation of algorithms for simulating rare events in a molecular dynamics context, e.g., the simulation of reactive paths. We will consider $\mathbb{R}^d$ as the space of configurations for a given system, where the probability of a specific configuration is given by a Gibbs measure depending on a temperature parameter. The dynamics of the system is given by an overdamped Langevin (or gradient) equation. The ...[+]

65C05 ; 65C60 ; 65C35 ; 62L12 ; 62D05

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