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Documents Varagnolo, Michela 3 résultats

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In the framework of the study of K-theoretical Coulomb branches, Finkelberg-Tsymbaliuk introduced remarkable new algebras, the shifted quantum affine algebras an their truncations, in the spirit of the shifted Yangians of Brundan-Kleshev, Braverman-Finkelberg Nakajima, Kamnitzer-Webster-Weekes-Yacobi... We discuss the following points in representation theory of (truncated) shifted quantum affine algebras that we relate to representations of Borel quantum affine algebras by induction and restriction functors. We establish that the Grothendieck ring of the category of finite-dimensional representations has a natural cluster algebra structure. We propose a conjectural parametrization of simple modules of a non simply-laced truncation in terms of the Langlands dual quantum affine Lie algebra. We have several evidences, including a general result for simple finite-dimensional representations proved by using the Baxter polynomiality of quantum integrable models.[-]
In the framework of the study of K-theoretical Coulomb branches, Finkelberg-Tsymbaliuk introduced remarkable new algebras, the shifted quantum affine algebras an their truncations, in the spirit of the shifted Yangians of Brundan-Kleshev, Braverman-Finkelberg Nakajima, Kamnitzer-Webster-Weekes-Yacobi... We discuss the following points in representation theory of (truncated) shifted quantum affine algebras that we relate to representations of ...[+]

17B37 ; 17B10 ; 82B23 ; 13F60

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Hamiltonian reduction for affine Grassmannian slices - Kamnitzer, Joel (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H


Given a representation V of a reductive group G, Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima defined a Poisson variety called the Coulomb branch, using a convolution algebra construction. This variety comes with a natural deformation quantization, called a Coulomb branch algebra. Important cases of these Coulomb branches are (generalized) affine Grassmannian slices, and their quantizations are truncated shifted Yangians.
Motivated by the geometric Satake correspondence and the theory of symplectic duality/3d mirror symmetry, we expect a categorical g-action on modules for these truncated shifted Yangians. I will explain three results in this direction. First, we have an indirect realization of this action, using equivalences with KLRW-modules. Second, we have a geometric relation between these generalized slices by Hamiltonian reduction. Finally, we have an algebraic version of this Hamiltonian reduction which we are able to relate to the first realization.[-]
Given a representation V of a reductive group G, Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima defined a Poisson variety called the Coulomb branch, using a convolution algebra construction. This variety comes with a natural deformation quantization, called a Coulomb branch algebra. Important cases of these Coulomb branches are (generalized) affine Grassmannian slices, and their quantizations are truncated shifted Yangians.
Motivated by the geometric Satake ...[+]

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Curve neighbourhoods for odd symplectic Grassmannians - Pech, Clélia (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H


Odd symplectic Grassmannians are a family of quasi-homogeneous varieties with properties nevertheless similar to those of homogeneous spaces, such as the existence of a Schubert-type cohomology basis. In this talk based on joint work with Ryan Shifler, I will explain how to construct their curve neighbourhoods. Curve neighbourhoods were first introduced by Buch, Chaput, Mihalcea and Perrin in the homogeneous setting: it is the union of all rational curves of fixed degree passing through a given Schubert variety. Potential applications include the computation of minimal degrees in quantum cohomology.[-]
Odd symplectic Grassmannians are a family of quasi-homogeneous varieties with properties nevertheless similar to those of homogeneous spaces, such as the existence of a Schubert-type cohomology basis. In this talk based on joint work with Ryan Shifler, I will explain how to construct their curve neighbourhoods. Curve neighbourhoods were first introduced by Buch, Chaput, Mihalcea and Perrin in the homogeneous setting: it is the union of all ...[+]

14N35 ; 14N15 ; 14M15

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