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Documents Xu, Yujie 1 résultats

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I will talk about my joint work with Aubert where we prove the Local Langlands Conjecture for $G_2$ (explicitly). This uses our earlier results on Hecke algebras attached to Bernstein components of (arbitrary) reductive $p$-adic groups, as well as an expected property on cuspidal support, along with a list of characterizing properties (including stability). In particular, we obtain 'mixed' L-packets containing F-singular supercuspidals and nonsupercuspidals. Our methods are inspired by the Langlands-Shahidi method, Deligne-Lusztig and Lusztig theories etc. If time permits, I will explain how to characterize our correspondence using stability of L-packets, by computing character formulae in terms of (generalized) Green functions ; one key input is a homogeneity result due to Waldspurger and DeBacker. Moreover, I will mention how to adapt our general strategy to construct LLC for other reductive groups, such as $G S p(4), S p(4)$, etc. The latter parts are based on recent joint work with Suzuki.[-]
I will talk about my joint work with Aubert where we prove the Local Langlands Conjecture for $G_2$ (explicitly). This uses our earlier results on Hecke algebras attached to Bernstein components of (arbitrary) reductive $p$-adic groups, as well as an expected property on cuspidal support, along with a list of characterizing properties (including stability). In particular, we obtain 'mixed' L-packets containing F-singular supercuspidals and ...[+]

11S37 ; 22E50 ; 20G05 ; 11F70 ; 20C08

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