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Documents 14L15 3 results

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Homogeneous vector bundles over abelian varieties - Brion, Michel (Author of the conference) | H

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The objects of the talk are the translation-invariant vector bundles over an abelian variety. We will present a representation-theoretic description of these vector bundles, which displays a remarkable analogy with finite-dimensional representations of a compact connected Lie group: the weight lattice is replaced with the dual abelian variety, the Weyl group with the Galois group of the ground field...

14J60 ; 14K05 ; 14L15 ; 20G05

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Finite flat group schemes over Z - Schoof, René (Author of the conference) | H

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In his 1966 Driebergen paper Tate asked what finite flat commutative group schemes can exist over $\mathbb{Z}$. In this talk we answer his question in a special case.


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Etale difference algebraic groups - Wibmer, Michael (Author of the conference) | H

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Difference algebraic groups, i.e, groups defined by algebraic difference equations occur naturally as the Galois groups of linear differential or difference equations depending on a discrete parameter. If the linear equation has a full set of algebraic solutions, the corresponding Galois group is an étale difference algebraic group. Like étale algebraic groups can be described as finite groups with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group of the base field, étale difference algebraic groups can be described as certain profinite groups with some extra structure. I will present a decomposition theorem for étale difference algebraic groups, which shows that any étale difference algebraic group can be build from étale algebraic groups and finite groups equipped with an endomorphism.[-]
Difference algebraic groups, i.e, groups defined by algebraic difference equations occur naturally as the Galois groups of linear differential or difference equations depending on a discrete parameter. If the linear equation has a full set of algebraic solutions, the corresponding Galois group is an étale difference algebraic group. Like étale algebraic groups can be described as finite groups with a continuous action of the absolute Galois ...[+]

12H10 ; 14L15

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