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Documents 14C30 8 résultats

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Toric non-abelian Hodge theory - Hausel, Tamás (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We will overview some conjectures on the mixed Hodge structure of character varieties in the framework of non-abelian Hodge theory on a Riemann surface. Then we introduce and study toric analogues of these spaces, in particular we prove that the toric character variety retracts to its core, the zero fiber of the toric Hitchin map, that its cohomology is Hodge-Tate and satisfies curious Hard Lefschetz, as well as the purity conjecture. We will indicate how these shed light on the $P=W$ conjecture in the toric case as well as for general character varieties. This is based on joint work with Nick Proudfoot.[-]
We will overview some conjectures on the mixed Hodge structure of character varieties in the framework of non-abelian Hodge theory on a Riemann surface. Then we introduce and study toric analogues of these spaces, in particular we prove that the toric character variety retracts to its core, the zero fiber of the toric Hitchin map, that its cohomology is Hodge-Tate and satisfies curious Hard Lefschetz, as well as the purity conjecture. We will ...[+]

14H60 ; 14C30 ; 14J32 ; 14M25

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Nous formulons un analogue de la conjecture de Hodge entière pour les variétés réelles. Celui-ci possède des liens étroits avec des propriétés classiques: existence d'une courbe réelle de genre pair, algébricité de l'homologie du lieu réel. Comme dans le cas complexe, la conjecture de Hodge entière réelle peut tomber en défaut mais est plausible pour les 1-cycles sur les variétés dont la géométrie est assez simple. Nous l'établissons pour plusieurs familles de solides uniréglés. Il s'agit d'un travail en commun avec Olivier Benoist.[-]
Nous formulons un analogue de la conjecture de Hodge entière pour les variétés réelles. Celui-ci possède des liens étroits avec des propriétés classiques: existence d'une courbe réelle de genre pair, algébricité de l'homologie du lieu réel. Comme dans le cas complexe, la conjecture de Hodge entière réelle peut tomber en défaut mais est plausible pour les 1-cycles sur les variétés dont la géométrie est assez simple. Nous l'établissons pour ...[+]


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Examples of Kähler groups - Eyssidieux, Philippe (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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Malgré les succès de la théorie de Hodge non abélienne de Corlette-Simpson pour exclure que de nombreux groupes de présentation finie soient groupes fondamentaux de variétés projectives lisses (ou des groupes Kähleriens), les techniques de construction manquent. La construction de Campana du groupe fondamental orbifold d'une paire orbifolde permet de considérer le groupe fondamental des compactifications orbifolds d'une variété (ou champ) quasiprojective lisse donnée $U$ qui, si quelques précautions sont prises et sous des hypothèses raisonnables - mais pas toujours faciles a vérifier, est un groupe Kählerien. En choisissant bien la variété $U$, les groupes obtenus sont potentiellement intéressants et on utilise souvent des techniques inattendues pour établir les propriétés de leurs représentations linéaires. L'exposé fera un survey de cas particulièrement intrigants ou, par exemple, $U$ est un complément d'arrangement de droites, une variété localement complexe hyperbolique non compacte ou un espace de modules de courbes pointées.[-]
Malgré les succès de la théorie de Hodge non abélienne de Corlette-Simpson pour exclure que de nombreux groupes de présentation finie soient groupes fondamentaux de variétés projectives lisses (ou des groupes Kähleriens), les techniques de construction manquent. La construction de Campana du groupe fondamental orbifold d'une paire orbifolde permet de considérer le groupe fondamental des compactifications orbifolds d'une variété (ou champ) ...[+]

14C30 ; 14J40 ; 14H30 ; 14F35 ; 32J18 ; 32J25 ; 32J27 ; 32Q30

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​Absolute sets and the Decomposition Theorem - Budur, Nero (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We give a new, more conceptual proof of the Decomposition Theorem for semisimple perverse sheaves of rank-one origin, assuming it for those of constant-sheaf origin, that is, assuming the geometric case proven by Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne-Gabber. Joint work with Botong Wang.

14C30 ; 14F05 ; 14F43 ; 14D07

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We study locally the representation varieties of fundamental groups of smooth complex algebraic varieties. These are schemes whose complex points parametrize such representations into linear algebraic groups. At a given representation, the structure of the formal local ring to the representation variety tells about the obstructions to deform formally this representation, which is ultimately related to topological obstructions to the possible fundamental groups of complex algebraic varieties. This was first described by Goldman and Millson in the case of compact Kähler manifold, using formal deformation theory and differential graded Lie algebras. We review this using methods of Hodge theory and of derived deformation theory and we are able to describe locally the representation variety for non-compact smooth varieties and representations underlying a variation of Hodge structure.[-]
We study locally the representation varieties of fundamental groups of smooth complex algebraic varieties. These are schemes whose complex points parametrize such representations into linear algebraic groups. At a given representation, the structure of the formal local ring to the representation variety tells about the obstructions to deform formally this representation, which is ultimately related to topological obstructions to the possible ...[+]

14D07 ; 14C30 ; 14D15 ; 18D50

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Hodge conjecture for singular varieties - Kaur, Inder (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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The classical Hodge conjecture for smooth, projective varieties has been open for over 70 years, although it has been proven for some specific varieties. In this talk I will discuss a cohomological version of the Hodge conjecture for singular varieties. I will give a sufficient condition in terms of Mumford-Tate groups for a variety to satisfy the singular Hodge conjecture. If time allows I will give explicit examples of such varieties. This is joint work with Ananyo Dan.[-]
The classical Hodge conjecture for smooth, projective varieties has been open for over 70 years, although it has been proven for some specific varieties. In this talk I will discuss a cohomological version of the Hodge conjecture for singular varieties. I will give a sufficient condition in terms of Mumford-Tate groups for a variety to satisfy the singular Hodge conjecture. If time allows I will give explicit examples of such varieties. This is ...[+]

14C30 ; 32S35

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Symmetric power moments of Kloosterman sums - Fresán, Javier (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We construct motives over the rational numbers associated with symmetric power moments of Kloosterman sums, and prove that their $L$-functions extend meromorphically to the complex plane and satisfy a functional equation conjectured by Broadhurst and Roberts. Although the motives in question turn out to be classical, the strategy consists in first realizing them as exponential motives and computing their Hodge numbers by means of the irregular Hodge filtration. We show that all Hodge numbers are either zero or one, which implies potential automorphicity thanks to recent results of Patrikis and Taylor. The first talk will be concerned with the arithmetic aspects and in the second one we will present the Hodge theoretic computations. Joint work with Claude Sabbah and Jeng-Daw Yu.[-]
We construct motives over the rational numbers associated with symmetric power moments of Kloosterman sums, and prove that their $L$-functions extend meromorphically to the complex plane and satisfy a functional equation conjectured by Broadhurst and Roberts. Although the motives in question turn out to be classical, the strategy consists in first realizing them as exponential motives and computing their Hodge numbers by means of the irregular ...[+]

11L05 ; 14C30 ; 14F40 ; 32S40

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Stably irrational hypersurfaces of small slopes - Schreieder, Stefan (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We show that over any uncountable field of characteristic different from two, a very general hypersurface of dimension $n > 2$ and degree at least $log_2 (n) + 2$ is not stably rational. This significantly improves earlier results of Kollár and Totaro. As a byproduct of our proof, we obtain new counterexamples to the integral Hodge conjecture, answering a question of Voisin and Colliot-Thélène – Voisin.

14J70 ; 14E08 ; 14M20 ; 14C30

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