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Documents 32S05 8 résultats

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Teissier singularities - Mourtada, Hussein (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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We will introduce a new class of singularities, Teissier singularities, which are particularly significant in positive characteristics. We will explain why these singularities are candidates to play, in positive characteristics, a role similar to that played by quasi-ordinary singularities in the Jungian approach to the resolution of singularities in characteristic zero. Joint work with Bernd Schober.

14B05 ; 32S05 ; 14E15

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I will explain how to combine tools of local tropical geometry and logarithmic geometry in order to study the structure of Milnor fibers of smoothings of isolated complex singularities, up to homeomorphisms. I will partly follow the paper “The Milnor fiber conjecture of Neumann and Wahl, and an overview of its proof”, written in collaboration with Marıa Angelica Cueto and Dmitry Stepanov.This course replaces a course on the same topic that should have been delivered by Angelica Cueto.[-]
I will explain how to combine tools of local tropical geometry and logarithmic geometry in order to study the structure of Milnor fibers of smoothings of isolated complex singularities, up to homeomorphisms. I will partly follow the paper “The Milnor fiber conjecture of Neumann and Wahl, and an overview of its proof”, written in collaboration with Marıa Angelica Cueto and Dmitry Stepanov.This course replaces a course on the same topic that ...[+]

14B05 ; 14A21 ; 14M25 ; 14T90 ; 32S05 ; 32S55

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I will explain how to combine tools of local tropical geometry and logarithmic geometry in order to study the structure of Milnor fibers of smoothings of isolated complex singularities, up to homeomorphisms. I will partly follow the paper “The Milnor fiber conjecture of Neumann and Wahl, and an overview of its proof”, written in collaboration with Marıa Angelica Cueto and Dmitry Stepanov.This course replaces a course on the same topic that should have been delivered by Angelica Cueto.[-]
I will explain how to combine tools of local tropical geometry and logarithmic geometry in order to study the structure of Milnor fibers of smoothings of isolated complex singularities, up to homeomorphisms. I will partly follow the paper “The Milnor fiber conjecture of Neumann and Wahl, and an overview of its proof”, written in collaboration with Marıa Angelica Cueto and Dmitry Stepanov.This course replaces a course on the same topic that ...[+]

14B05 ; 14A21 ; 14M25 ; 14T90 ; 32S05 ; 32S55

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I will explain how to combine tools of local tropical geometry and logarithmic geometry in order to study the structure of Milnor fibers of smoothings of isolated complex singularities, up to homeomorphisms. I will partly follow the paper “The Milnor fiber conjecture of Neumann and Wahl, and an overview of its proof”, written in collaboration with Marıa Angelica Cueto and Dmitry Stepanov.This course replaces a course on the same topic that should have been delivered by Angelica Cueto.[-]
I will explain how to combine tools of local tropical geometry and logarithmic geometry in order to study the structure of Milnor fibers of smoothings of isolated complex singularities, up to homeomorphisms. I will partly follow the paper “The Milnor fiber conjecture of Neumann and Wahl, and an overview of its proof”, written in collaboration with Marıa Angelica Cueto and Dmitry Stepanov.This course replaces a course on the same topic that ...[+]

14B05 ; 14A21 ; 14M25 ; 14T90 ; 32S05 ; 32S55

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Splice type surface singularities were introduced by Neumann and Wahl as a generalization of the class of Pham-Brieskorn-Hamm complete intersections of dimension two. Their construction depends on a weighted graph with no loopscalled a splice diagram. In this talk, I will report on joint work with Patrick Popescu-Pampu and Dmitry Stepanov (arXiv: 2108.05912) that sheds new light on these singularities via tropical methods, reproving some of Neumann and Wahl'searlier results on these singularities, and showings that splice type surface singularities are Newton non-degenerate in the sense of Khovanskii.[-]
Splice type surface singularities were introduced by Neumann and Wahl as a generalization of the class of Pham-Brieskorn-Hamm complete intersections of dimension two. Their construction depends on a weighted graph with no loopscalled a splice diagram. In this talk, I will report on joint work with Patrick Popescu-Pampu and Dmitry Stepanov (arXiv: 2108.05912) that sheds new light on these singularities via tropical methods, reproving some of ...[+]

14B05 ; 14T90 ; 32S05 ; 14M25 ; 57M15

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Invariants of determinantal varieties - Ruas, Maria Aparecida Soares (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H


We review basic results on determinantal varieties and show how to apply methods of singularity theory of matrices to study their invariants and geometry. The Nash transformation and the Euler obstruction of Essentially Isolated Determinantal Singularities (EIDS) are discussed. To illustrate the results we compute the Euler obstruction of corank one EIDS with non isolated singularities.

14B05 ; 32S05

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Let $(X,0)$ be an ICIS of dimension $2$ and let $f :(X,0)\to\mathbb{C} ^2$ be a map germ with an isolated instability. Given $F : (\mathcal{X} , 0) \to (\mathbb{C} \times \mathbb{C}^2, 0)$ a stable unfolding of $f$, we look to the invariants related to the family $f_s$ and we find relations between them. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for $F$ to be Whitney equisingular. (Joint work with B. Orfice-Okamoto and J. N. Tomazella)

32S30 ; 58K15 ; 58K40 ; 32S05

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Lipschitz embedding of complex surfaces - Neumann, Walter (Auteur de la Conférence) | CIRM H

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Pham and Teissier showed in the late 60's that any two plane curve germs with the same outer Lipschitz geometry have equivalent embeddings into $\mathbb{C}^2$. We consider to what extent the same holds in higher dimensions, giving examples of normal surface singularities which have the same topology and outer Lipschitz geometry but whose embeddings into $\mathbb{C}^3$ are topologically inequivalent. Joint work with Anne Pichon.

Keywords: bilipschitz - Lipschitz geometry - normal surface singularity - Zariski equisingularity - Lipschitz equisingularity[-]
Pham and Teissier showed in the late 60's that any two plane curve germs with the same outer Lipschitz geometry have equivalent embeddings into $\mathbb{C}^2$. We consider to what extent the same holds in higher dimensions, giving examples of normal surface singularities which have the same topology and outer Lipschitz geometry but whose embeddings into $\mathbb{C}^3$ are topologically inequivalent. Joint work with Anne Pichon.

Keywords: ...[+]

14B05 ; 32S25 ; 32S05 ; 57Mxx

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